forty x

593 16 3

20k reads is so sick, honestly tysm ❤️❤️
i wrote that like 8 hours ago and now its on 21k yous lot are mad ily❤️
'one shot' started playing, and my intoxicated self dragged Beth to dance with me, giggling and dancing, while sipping on rosé and vodka.
We danced for more songs, being joined by George and Alex in the process-yet no one knew where Mia or Will was.
"Probably getting drinks?" George suggested, shouting over the music, to which i nodded in agreement and continued dancing to the songs playing.
"Oh look, they're over there." Beth pointed behind me, and i spun around to see the man with an arm around the shorter girls waist, leading her to a small booth away from the one our group had. I raised my eyebrows at Beth and Elena, my other mate, and they knew exactly what i meant. George and Alex had wandered off somewhere and i looked at the two girls.
"I-it's not like we're exclusively dating though.." I trailed off, looking down at my feet.
"He took you on a crazy ass date, he created a whole fucking scene for you, he can't just do this." Beth said, before turning, her eyes trained on the two. I span around as well, peering over to see Mia whisper into Will's ear, before he grabbed her hand and lead her away.

Elena grabbed my hand, and Beth got the other, and they dragged me towards the exit they left out of. Beth texted George and told him we left, and we walked hand in hand onto the pavement to see them walking back to the apartment block with arms around eachother. My eyes started to water as i saw Will with someone else-he isn't mine-but he's giving me false hope. We walked at a far distance behind them, in a way following them back.
"Pisstake." Beth sighed, dragging me along faster and walking as quietly as possible in my heels. And thats when i stopped.
Will and Mia walked under a bus shelter and started kissing.
Full on snogging while the bus pulled up.
I pushed a hand over my mouth and started making my way towards them. Mia knew i had something with Will, Will knew we had something.

false hope|willneWhere stories live. Discover now