five x

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Will's p.o.v-

I called up dominoes and placed our order, as Isabella scrolled through her instagram. I looked over to her, taking in her features, the way she smiled, the way she fiddled with her hair as she scrolled.

"I've ordered, should i start the movie now?"

"Sounds good" She said, clicking the off button on her phone and moving next to me on the sofa, "you're apartments cold, i need to share body heat with someone, okay?"

"That's completly fine by me" I smiled and turned on the movie, turning to see her glance at the screen and then at me.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer"

"Maybe i will." I grabbed my phone and took a photo of her covering her face with her arm.

"Oiii, just watch the film, or not, actually" The doorbell rung, and i stood up to get the pizza.

I walked back and sat next to Isabella on the sofa, handing her a slice of the veggie supreme pizza she ordered. Isabella turned on the movie and started to eat, a smile forming, which she assumed i couldn't see.


She was asleep on me, halfway through the film she fell asleep, slumped onto my chest. I shook her awake, gently. Isabella rolled onto me more, as i tried to hide my smile.

"What is it? what, where, uhm, oh wait sorry i should move." Her cheeks going pink as she moved away from me.

"It's fine, i loved having you there, but it's getting late, i should probably make sure you're asleep in your apartment."

"Mmm okay Will, i'll walk back, have a good sleep." I stood up with her, insisting i walk her to her flat. I grabbed Isabellas hand and walked slowly out of my door.

"You don't have to come, uno"

"Well, i want too, beautiful."

"Awh thank you, so much" She was grinning, and slightly hiding her face.

"Don't hide gorgeous, you're perfect."

"stoppp, im just blushing now" I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, fuck.

"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable." I apologised as we exited the lift.

"Its okay Will, see you soon man." Isabella said softly as she unlocked her door.

Third person p.o.v-

Isabella turned to Will, and stepped closer. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, Isabella putting her arms around his neck and on his shoulders. They stood in the corridor embracing for awhile, liking eachothers presence and warmth. They stood close, rocking gently from side to side, as Will gently kissed her cheek and pulled away.

"See you tomorrow, Gorgeous"

"See you soon, Handsome"

And with that, she stepped inside, and with a small wave and smile locked the door and collapsed on her bed, thinking of Will and they moment they just shared together.


[a/n] thanks for reading this short chapter! i know its not much but i really wanted to write this and, even though its a tad short, its cute. Its about half the elngth of my normal chapters, but im tired so goodnight! Hope you're all feeling alright -emily x

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