thirty one x

996 24 0

"Okay, blocked." I said to elliot, a half smile on my face.
"Its for the best Bella, and you know that." I sighed, he's right. My brother hugged me lightly as i cried again. I'm so sensitive and emotional at the moment. Elliot handed me his phone, which had twitter open and a tag called '#weloveyouissy'.
"Aw this is so sweet, who did this?" My younger brother told me a fan started it and it spread like mad. I scrolled through all the replies, a smile plastered itself on my face, because all the replies were so lovely.
"El can i tweet from your account?" He nodded and i started to draft a tweet.

Elliotpearson: hi loves its isabella here, thank you all for the whole #weloveyouissy tag, its made my day. I love all of you so much and just know your support and love doesn't go unnoticed and it helps me so much. -Issy 🧡🧡🧡
"Boom, tweeted, thank you El"
"For what?" He cocked his head to the side.
"Showing me the tag, I wouldn't have known about it otherwise."
"No problem, can we go to the pier now though."
"Impatient, but yah lets skrt."
Calfrez: what dates are the marbella ting
Isher usher: 2-9th june x
Calfrez: thanks darl
Isher usher: No problem bab
Calfrez: bab?
Isher usher: darl?
Calzrez: i cBA
Isher usher: same babs same 😂
Isher usher: ill speak later im doing an air hockey competition
Isher usher: will do babs, air hockey is my specialty
Will's p.o.v-
"It didnt work alex." I collapsed into the sofa while alex looked at me sympathetically.
"Lets see." I handed him my phone and he scrolled through the text conversation , "what does unable to send mean"
"She blocked me, basically."
"Ah shit." Alex gave me my phone back and i sighed heavily.
"She really holds a grudge doesn't she." Alex sat next to me.
"Exactly, every other time the girls have just come back. Ive royally fucked up this time." I leaned back into the sofa and sunk into it, "and rumour has it george and isabella are all bestie besties now."
"Fucking hell, you can't blame george he just wants to be nice mate." Alex looks at me as he says it and i just nod slightly in agreement.
"Fairs, i need to go anyway i need to meet up with a few so i'll see you later alex."
"Have fun mate, stay safe."

-a week later-

Isabella's p.o.v-

"Here we are elliot, my gorgeous apartment." I unlocked the door and pushed the door open, acting like an estate agent or that woman off location location location.
"Ive been here before you div."
"Not my problem el." I smiled and locked the door behind us. This is the first time ive been truly happy in so long.
"Can we go out tonight?"
"Top priority, and where?" I laughed and cocked my head to the side.
"Pub, footballs on and i fancy a beer." He smiled and so did i.
"Only if i get a game or two of pool." I answered, a massive smile on my face, "and then a game of bowling."
"Alright alright, fine." We both laughed and went into the living room to watch love island on catch up. (I know i said I don't watch it but now im hooked ffs.)
I stepped into the pub with Elliot and walked towards the bar while chatting to him.
"What do you want El, i'll pay?"
"Nope i will."
"I'm richer than you darl, im paying." We both laughed and he thought for a second.
"The usual, blue moon."
"Got yah." I turned to the man at the bar, who looked like he really did not want to be there.
"Pint of blue moon, pint of ghost ship and two salt and vinegar crisps please." I smiled in attempt to lighten up his day ever so slightly, i don't particularly think it worked. He handed me the drinks and crisps as i payed contactless, and handed him three quid as a tip.
"Have a good one." I said to the bartender, and he nodded and grinned before turning around and cleaning a few more glasses. El walked over to a table with a little screen next to it, playing the football game, which wasn't all that interesting because the play was absolute shit. When it finished, i walked up to the bar again, and to the same bartender as before. I ordered another two pints of beer and hired out a pool table for half an hour. While i waited for the items, i spotted a group of people that i recognised sitting near the pool tables. At there little booth style seat was Stephen, George, Alex and my absolute favourite person in the world: Will Lenney. Ha my arse. I grabbed the cues and the plastic triangle, and forced El grab the beers before we made our way to our designated pool table. I knew for a fact the group of them were staring at me, because every time i glanced up after taking a shot their eyes might as well have burnt through my fucking skull. Right now i'd knocked all of my balls except for the black one into the pockets (that was a mad innuendo but can we pretend it wasn't, because I can't really call it a 'pool sphere') whereas Elliot had only gotten three in, because he clearly doesn't play as much pool as myself. Before taking my last shot, right after i lined up the cue with the white ball before knocking the black ball into the the left corner, because im the pool professional. I smiled at the little group of people before turning to Elliot who didn't look at all impressed.
"Oi rematch that wasn't fair."
"How wasn't it fair El." I laughed and drank some more of my beer.
"Because I dont know how to fucking play man."
"You'll get over it hun."
10k reads wtf ily all so much i have the biggest grin rn 💙💙💙

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