thirty seven x

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I left wills apartment as soon as, got changed then went to Cals.
"Callum?" I shouted through the letterbox as I continuously knocked on the door. He clearly wasn't answering. Harry opened the door and smiled awkwardly.
"Were you here for cal?"
"Yeah, we had plans." I smiled at Harry as he ushered me in.
"Oh, well he's on the sofa." Harry sighed and walked back into his room, clearly not arsed.

"Hey cal?" I tapped his shoulder, as he spun his head around, almost head butting the girl next to him.
"Oh hey issy, this is Elle." I grinned at the girl next to Cal-she had messy brown hair and eyebrows to die for.
"Isabella, nice to meet you." She smiled back, then turned back around, blatantly ignoring me.
"Not to seem rude issy but, why are you here?" I rolled my eyes, immediately preparing to leave.
"You invited me round, to plan a holiday, if I remember correctly?" Callum flicked his eyes between the two girls awkwardly-clearly remembering the last ten or so plans he made with Issy which were interrupted by a different girl each time.
"Right you have fun with this one, maybe if you stuck to one lass and not a new one every week i might let you off. This is getting stupid now, you literally turn up to the coffee shops we planned to meet at with another apparent girlfriend. I give up Cal, I really do." I spun around and walked out of his apartment, and to his girlfriends disgust, he attempted to follow me.
"Piss off cal i cant be arsed with you." I heard him sigh and then the door of his apartment closing slowly, the lock clicking quietly.

will: where did you go? x
issy: sorry, i had plans w cal but his girlfriend was at his house when i turned up so i left lmao
w: rightt, you doing anything else today?
i: nah
w: i need you for a video
w: its a surprise
w: come round asap
i: asap-rocky
i: ill be over soon x

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