twelve x

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Isabella's p.o.v-
I knocked on the door to Freezy, Harry and Cal's flat, as i was filming a video with Harry today. I tapped my foot impatiently and heard a faint 'coming' from inside. The door swung open with an uncomfortable looking Harry in the doorway and questionable noises coming from my best friends bedroom.
"Oh my, not the best time to be filming then" I said with a laugh, stepping inside and cringing at the noises.
"Hold on a fucking second, is she saying Daddy" Harry questioned, and we both froze, completely silent.
"Oh my god she is, CAL HAS A DADDY KINK" I screamed, running into the living room, with Harry trailing behind me.
"CAL HAS A DADDY KINK, CAL HAS A DADDY KINK, CAL HAS A DADDY KINK." We chanted over and over, and put it on Snapchat. It was videos of us riding around in circles of hoverboards screaming it as loud as possible. Cal's door then swung open, he looked angry. He pushed his messy hair out of his eyes and walked out in a random shirt and boxers.
"What the fuck is wrong with you." Freezy said quietly, walking up to us. We both backed away slowly, glancing at eachother, and then moving together.
"Ohh Daddy yes, more" Harry squealed, putting on a high-pitched, bimbo style accent. We both laughed and then stopped, noticing Cal's face.
"Don't you understand how upset that made her feel?" Cal stated.
"Well sorry your one-night stand can't handle banter that isn't even aimed at her." I said, sitting on the back of their sofa, and Harry sat next to me.
"She's right, Callum."
"Just get the fuck out, Isabella."
"I'm supposed to be filming with harry" i explained, sighing.
"I don't give two flying fucks, go back to your apartment if its that important."
"What a lovely person you are Cal, plus she's not the only one coming over so get over it, we're filming as a group. Plus who even has sex at 5pm anyway?" Harry exclaimed, and Cal just stormed off.
"Whoops." I giggled, and Harry went to get the door and let Will, Chris and Chip in. I smiled at them, as they sat on the sofa, with me sandwiched between Chris and Will, and then Harry and Chip.
We filmed all the videos and sat down to watch a film in the same order on the sofa as before. Freezy still hadn't emerged from his room and I was worried, so i stood up to go and speak to my best friend. I tapped his bedroom door, and he quietly asked me to come in. I looked around and saw him at his desk with a girl asleep in his bed.
"Cal are you okay?" I questioned, walking over.
"She won't leave Isabella, can we go to Harry's room I don't want to wake her up."
We walked i to his room after asking, and Cal started to explain what happened.
"Isabella i keep getting fucked over, i went on one date with her and she won't leave. You're clearly happily dating and it hurts knowing my best friend is so much more likeable than me. Every girl i find is horrible, I don't know what to do anymore."
I pulled him into a hug, gently rocking from side to side while he quietly cried into my shoulder.
"Will has eyes for you Isabella, and I know you fancy him, and i'm so happy for you. I don't want the only romantic things i do to be one night stands but its so hard, i'm drifting from Jasmine, and i love her. I only go on so many dates to get over her."
I rubbed his back and spoke gently to him.
"Cal, you will find someone. You can chat to Jasmine, text her and see if she'll meet up. Jf she cant i know theres someone out there for you Cal, you're an amazing, gorgeous person and you deserve the world. Don't stress over love, it's not worth it."
He stepped away from me and returned the hug quickly, "I'll go ask her to leave and join you to watch a film, go get loved up with Will." He said with a wink and i shook my head, walking out the room and sat down next to Will on the sofa.
"Is he alright?" Will whispered, squeezing my hand.
"Yeah, he's asking the girl to leave then he'll join us all." Will slipped his arm around my waist and i place my head in the crook of his neck and watched the film, sharing his body heat and comfort.

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