thirty two x

882 20 4

Third person p.o.v-
"Just fucking go for it mate." Alex said to Will, while drinking his beer.
"Second that." Stephen nodded, yet George stayed silent and scrolled through his twitter feed.
"Alright, alright, don't fancy getting attacked by that Elliot kid though." Will rolled his eyes and walked over to the pair who were now stood by the pool table after their second game, which Isabella also won.
"Uh hey." Will smiled lightly when the pair spun around to look at him.
"do you want something?" Elliot questioned, clearly getting angry. Isabella placed a hand of his arm as a signal for him to calm down.
"I just wanted to, uh, talk to Isabella."
"El wait by the bar i'll come over in a second." Elliot nodded and walked away, clearly not happy with the two even talking.
"What do you want then Will?" Isabella breathed in quickly and bit her lip.
"To say sorry, to apologise, i shouldn't have done it." Isabella breathed out and looked at the ground, thinking of what to say.
"I know it really hurt you, I understand that completely, but i never wanted to hurt you Isabella." Will turned around and started to slowly walk away because she wasn't saying anything, and assumed she needed to be alone.
"No, wait Will." Isabella smiled gently, "I guess i accept your apology, i guess we can try again." The pair grinned and Will pulled her into a hug. Issy leaned up and kissed his cheek quickly before pulling away and walking towards the bar, a smile plastered on her face.

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