twenty five x

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Will's gaze met with Isabella's, and she immediately looked away and rolled her eyes. He scanned over her body, taking in what she looked like wearing that. Will watched her talk and have fun with everyone there, and blatantly ignore him. He zoned out for a while, scrolling on his phone at the side of them pool, when Cal walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Oi, why are you still staring at Issy?" Cal questioned, his tone of voice was one of anger.
"Calm down, bit protective aren't you?" Cal rolled his eyes like Will was oblivious to the situation.

"In a way, yes, yes I am. You were so horrible to her then you find it accep-" Cal was cut off when Will stood up and walked away, and Callum couldn't tell if it was in anger, embarrassment or pure joy because he was effected so many people.

-time skip because this is dead and so am i-

George's p.o.v (getting spicy in this bitch)-

I knocked on Isabella's apartment door nervously-i wasn't exactly sure on what to say really. 

"Oh hey, uhm, if you're here to defend Will then i really don't want to hear it." She smiled lightly at me but it was obvious it pained her to even say his name,

"I'm not, don't worry, i just wanted to make sure you were okay really." Isabella opened the door more as a signal for me to go in-and a signal that I accepted and stepped into her apartment.

"The lounge is just through there, probably the same layout as your apartment, do you want a drink-tea, coffee, juice, soda?" She smiled and walked from the lounge to the kitchen.

"What fizzy drinks do you have?" I looked around the lounge, taking in the beautiful yet minimal décor. 

"Coke, Dr Pepper, uh and fruit twist Fanta." She peeked into the fridge at the array of cans and bottles on the top shelf.

"Lets have a Dr Pepper then." We sat on her white sofa and started talking about the horrible situation she had to be put through.

"Im sorry he had to give you false hope, Issy, i never thought he was like that."

"False hope, yeah, its all it ever was."



false hope|willneWhere stories live. Discover now