thirty four x

757 17 2

a/n- ahahah okay so firstly, sorry for being inactive this whole month, ive just not been motivated AT ALL. secondly, 16k reads is fucking insane THANK YOU SO MUCH. this chapter was proper long but i started to hate it so now its half the length (i apologise). ALSO i have two fanfics in my drafts which are in progress and will be posted at some point (wroetoshaw and calfreezy) x

"Issy." Will whispered into my ear as he tapped my shoulder, because I was at his apartment visiting gee. I spun around and looked him straight in the eye. He placed his hand on mine.
"Can we chat?"
"Of course Will." I looked at him and walked into his room, and sat on his bed next to him. He was still holding my hand as he began to speak.
"I miss you Issy, let me take you out." She moved his hand to my thigh. I still melt at his touch.
"Alright Will, and i miss you as well, so, so much." I turned my body so my face was parallel to his.
He leaned in, as his other hand moved to my back. I met him in the middle, kissing him gently. He immediately became the more dominant one, moved his hand to my hips, and running them up and down my sides under my shirt. He just sort of, turned me into this person i never thought i was, he could wrap me round his finger and i would never let go. My fingers brushed against his face, outlining his jaw and his cheekbones, before i moved them to his hair. I ran my fingers through it-but gripped onto the strands at the nape of his neck. He pulled away from me and bit his lip.
"Meet me at mine tomorrow, 6:30." I laughed and nodded.
"Mood killer much-how do i dress?"
"Smart casual." I rolled my eyes
"How the fuck do i dress smart casual?" He laughed and shrugged his shoulders.
"You're difficult man-cant chose in less than a day." He just laughed and rolled his eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I nodded and started to stand up, at the same time as him. I hugged him and kissed his cheek quickly before walking out his room and into Gee's.

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