forty one x

625 14 3

"I can explain Issy." Will looked down at his feet, as did Mia.
"Go on then." I tapped my foot, looking up at him, more angry than anything. Will looked up but didn't make eye contact, flicking nervously between mine and Mia's feet.
"I-i.." Will breathed out heavily, looking up yet immediately breaking eye contact, "i don't know.."
"why did you do it?" I bit my lip lightly, my eyes still fixed on him. He awkwardly shuffled slightly, before taking a breath and looked my straight in the eyes."
"Because i dont fucking like you, Isabella, that date meant nothing so forget about it okay? Get over it. We were never anything and it'll never happen."
"Right Will, so when you were my boyfriend we were nothing, when you've spent countless hours with me it meant nothing? You're a prick Will, you fucking are." I turned around and walked towards Beth and Elena, rolling my eyes in the process.
"I cant believe it babe." Beth linked arms with me and we walked slowly back to my apartment block in peace.
I wasn't sad- i was disappointed. I was disappointed in not only Will and Mia, but in myself for trusting him. Disappointed in myself for going back to him after he broke me once-and then he broke me again and i acted like it wouldn't happen. I'm stupid, i'm so, so, so fucking stupid. I trusted that man-after everything he did to me-and yet he still gave me false hope. He made me do things i didn't want to do.

will lenney: hey
will lenney: i'm with mia now
will lenney: so don't think we're getting back together.
isabella: ok
/message failed to send/

all he ever did was give me false hope, and i let him convince me he loved me when it was all lies.
false hope was all it was.

the end.

false hope|willneWhere stories live. Discover now