twenty three x

999 23 2

warning; degrading speech/abusive speech
"What do you want Isabella?"
"Please can i talk to you." Will was doing nothing other than watching 'Location Location Location' so he couldn't use the 'i'm busy' excuse again.
"Fuck sake, fine, what do you want." He rolled his eyes and paused the TV, turning to look at me with a bored expression.
"Will, have you been, well how do i phrase this, with other girls?" His eyes turned from anger to worry, he was hiding something.
"What do you mean, no, where are you hearing this?" I breathed out heavily, giving him daggers.
"Why are you lying Will-i have all the evidence i'll ever need. Why would you lie, how could you, when its just making me suffer even more." My voice raised again, and i slammed my hand down onto the table,"You, you think it's acceptable to come to my flat everyday but behind my back be banging other skets from clubs. You don't care about me-why are you even still here." He looked flustered-he had nothing to say.
"I don't know why i'm still here too, I don't know why i'm still with YOU. You aren't worth my time, worth my appreciation. The only thing that YOU deserve is to lose everyone thats ever 'cared' about you. Stop trying, you aren't worth it." Tears welled up in my eyes, my breathing quickened.
"G,,get out." I hiccuped as i spoke, tears starting to stream down my face. Will stood up and stormed out, slamming the door which made my apartment shake with the sheer force he put into it.

I collapsed onto the wooden floor as i sobbed, maybe i'm not worth it. I'm not. I never will be. I'm not good enough for Will, why was i so stupid to think i was, why did i think i was worthy of being loved. Ive given myself false hope, i put myself through shit I wasn't good enough for.

false hope|willneWhere stories live. Discover now