three x

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Isabella's p.o.v-

Fuck sake, couldn't cal have atleast told me he was going out with this Alyssa bitch, she's probably lovely but I cannot be arsed right now. Everytime he gets a girlfriend, every plan we made is chucked out the window and I'm irrelevant until it all, inevitably, goes horribly wrong and Cal needs a shoulder to cry on. It hurts, knowing I'm nothing when he meets a girl and asks them out on the second date. But I accept him, he's happy which makes me feel alright, knowing my best mate is okay. I dropped him a text.

To CallyFornia:

Isssy: I'm sorry for snapping, I was angry, I would love to meet your girlfriend if she's still down (I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't), and I'm really happy you found a girl you love. See you soon x

[delivered: 14:43]

I sighed and clicked off of imessage, and onto twitter. My heart fluttered when I noticed Will followed me, hottie. I started to draft a tweet, I had no ideas and I needed to film.

[isabxllaig]: Hello my loves! what should I film and who would you like to see collabs with? I'm down to collab with most people as long as they're cool and its all lit uno. Stay Beautiful x

I clicked tweet and sat back, watching the replies rush in, seeing lots of 'Routines', 'Snapchat qna' or 'Makeup'. I sighed until I saw a tweet from Will replying to me, I immediately started to grin, he asked to collab. I immediately typed out a happy reply.

[isabxllaig]: @ willne , sounds Gucci, hit me up on imessage and we can schedule? x

[willne]: @ isabxllaig , will do x

I saw two notifications pop up from imessage, one from Will and the other Cal. Cal's was just a 'I'll see', I was more interested in Will's offer at the moment.

WillNEEEE: Hey x

IsabellaHA: Hey, when do you want to collab, I'm free all week x

WillNEEEE: I'm free tomorrow, if that's okay with you? x

IsabellaHA: Perfect, your apartment? x

WillNEEEE: Yep, how does 2pm late lunch at nandos, then film sound? x

IsabellaHA: Amazing actually, will definitely see you then x

WillNEEEE: See you tomorrow x

[read: 16:12]

I focused my attention to Cal now.

Isssy: So whats happening?

CallyFornia: Heading back to mine with Alyssa, meet you there?

Isssy: Sounds lovely, see you soon.

[read: 16:24]


I stepped into Cal's flat, thanking harry for getting the door and quickly embracing him, as he needed to finish up his editing. I patiently waited for Cal and Alyssa, drinking my coffee and watching some shit daytime TV. I lifted my head from my phone as Cal and Alyssa walked in.

"Hey Cal" I said walking towards him, and hugging him like we always did.

"And you must be Alyssa, you look lovely by the way" I said, flicking my hair behind my shoulder. She was truly stunning, her highlighted brown hair perfectly styled and her outfit complemented her eyes beautifully.

"Oh yeah, you're Isabella right? Cal mentioned you being here" She said, she seemed irritated but I shrugged it off.

"Yeah, lovely meeting you." I smiled and sat at the edge of the sofa, making sure they had space to sit together, I am not here to break relationships. We made small talk while Cal got them both tea, she boasted a little about what Cal bought her, but I could not give a flying fuck. I just smiled and carried on the conversation, asking about her scarf and where it was from. When Cal came back, something I knew all too well was coming back. The extreme PDA. I was fine with it obviously, but this girl was really trying to get into his pants with me in the room, and harry who came in to help me escape but ended up being roped into conversation. Alyssa was being overly sexual, like please.

"Uh uhm, yeah I better be going, uh yeah." I said awkwardly, turning to harry.

"I need to go as well too, actually, uhm you two have fun, I guess" Harry and I turned to leave.

"Wait, why so early?" Cal was really that clueless.

"Maybe because your girlfriend really wants to fucking smash, and as your best friend, and having to hear this many times when ive come over, you fucking someone is a bit awkward uno. enjoy yourselves." I smiled and walked out the flat, harry close behind. I spent the rest of the day with harry at my flat, angrily playing fifa and making FUT drafts and streaming.


It had been a long day, I climbed into bed and soon fell asleep, into a deep sleep thinking of the collab I would be doing tomorrow with will. I felt content, I was happy.

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