twenty six x

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isabella.pearsonx: new name, new hair, new me? also covered up the frecks what do yous lot think? lashes are demi-wispies for the lovelies that are asking
liked by; sazclose, ninalaurel +123,456 others


ninalaurel: BEAUT

sazclose: favourite gal 🧡🧡


"SIZZLE!" I ran up to Sarah at the entrance to Brent Cross, which caused a few questioning looks from the people around us. We walked into the shopping centre and went towards a costa where we were meeting Saoirse (pronounced Sursha). We bought our bAsiC bInCh latte's and Sursh a tea, just as she walked in wearing her every so famous blue suit and white boots.

" Here she isss." The three of us sat down at a table to catch up with each other about our recent plans, as i mentally prepared myself to have to explain what the fuck happened with myself and Will. We finished drinking our beverages and made our way around the store, picking up everything we wanted and more
"HELLO EVERYONE, today's video if you didn't read the title is a haul from when myself, Sarah and Sursh went shopping yesterday" I held up all the bags and laughed, "we spent quite a lot of money and i'll be showing yous what i bought today!" The fans still think myself and Will are together, which is fine but i'm sick of seeing our ship on twitter. I started to pull the items out the bags, and showed them to the camera with a short description of each item.
"This dress is beautiful, it's a burnt orange with boning, structured details which shape the dress very nicely."
I clicked a button on the and sighed as the recording ended. This is supposed to be the best time of my life, im 23 almost 24, i should be enjoying myself! But i can't even sit in this apartment because it reminds me so much of what happened. Why did it happen to me? At least im going on a trip soon, in Marbella. I still haven't decided on my plus one, which was supposed to be Will but we all know how that went. Maybe Cal? Agh I don't know.

I; Callum yanno how im going to be going to Marbella because like, im cool n that

C; Yes i do, which i am very jealous about, dont rub it in hun

I; hehehe
I; well
I; will you be my plus one when i go
I; please xx

C; bitch yes plEaSe
C; better get a spray tan

I; half naked

C; and,,? Im a sort tyvm

I; lmao about as fit as a baboons arsehole

C; oi
C; but yes i'll come
C; ❤️❤️❤️

I; WAHEEY❤️❤️❤️

C; i need to and meet some people i'll talk to you later x ❤️❤️❤️

I; byeE, have fun with such people, see ya later alligator ❤️❤️❤️

C; in a while, crocodile 😉

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