twenty two x

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I mentally prepared myself, what was i going to say? I did this as i walked to the lift, and as i pressed the button, and then as i stepped in. I stopped and looked up to see a tall figure standing there, my best friend.


"Yes?" I smiled, yet confused about why he sounded so sad.

"Are you okay? You're never so out of it." He knew me well.

"Truthfully, no, no I'm not okay." Tears immediately began to spill over-and i didn't even try to hold them back like i usually would.

"Issy, come in my apartment, please, you're upset." Cal was trying to get me to come out the lift with him-which i agreed to and shuffled slowly across the carpeted floors. Cal opened the door and pushed me inside gently-and i immediately walked towards his bedroom to avoid the group of people in the living room.

"Shit i didn't know they were all here, my apologies, but whats happened?" We both sat down on his bed, and i rubbed my head, which Callum knew was a sign of worry.

"Will." I managed to choke it out before i burst into tears, i'm never this emotional, what's gotten into me? Cal rubbed my back gently, and i pushed my head into his chest to try and drown out the voices coming from the living room. "I,,I think he's been cheating on me,, I d,,don't know for sure b,,ut i,,i,,,i." I started to cry harder, and Cal just got angrier and angrier.

"He can't make you feel like this Issy, he can't make you worry and make you cry. You aren't yourself and i'm worried. Please talk to him."

"I c,,an't, i can't l,,,ose him Cal, if he is cheati,,ng i woul,,wouldn't ever be able to be with him again. I love him too much Cal." We continued the conversation-mascara ran and advice was shared. We decided on talking to him when i was in a better state of mind-and Callum would be on standby incase i broke down again. This is why he's my best friend. This is why he's my ride or die, my favourite, my main (lol the cringe). I finally felt stable enough to go out and chat with the people in the living room-and i could catch up with Sarah because its been too long since i've seen her.

I walked into the room which made everyone stop there conversation and look over-and smile.
"Issy!" Sarah stood up and pulled me into a massive hug, and i hugged her back, "it's been too long."
"Actually has been Saz, im buzzing for your new music though."
"Thanks love, im recording it this week and i am beyond excited."
"Aghh im so happy for youu."
I chatted with the group, and we ended up planning a video where we would do a masterchef (in our own kitchens) then bring all the food to this flat for Harry and the two Cal's to judge. We also took a massive group photo because we never do it and its a lovely thing to have-and we all posted them with different captions, ranging from 'my loves😚' to 'mad gang sesh🤙'-mine being 'mandem, yeah?'.

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