four x

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Isabella's p.o.v-

I slipped out of bed, as my alarm loudly beeped in my ear. I switched it off and walked over the wardrobe, flicking through the clothes. Deciding on a pair of white jeans, a dusky pink Calvin Klien cop-top and matching trainers, as well as my largest rose-gold hoop earings-i put on the clothes and walked over to my makeup table.

 Deciding on a pair of white jeans, a dusky pink Calvin Klien cop-top and matching trainers, as well as my largest rose-gold hoop earings-i put on the clothes and walked over to my makeup table

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I applied my makeup, foundation, concealer, powder, contour, highlight, eyes, and lips. I pulled my hair out of its current state, a messy bun, and pulled it back into two dutch braids, making sure they were even. 

(makeup look is by sophdoesnails x)

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(makeup look is by sophdoesnails x)

I checked my phone, i had an hour before i was meeting Will for lunch, so i dropped him a text asking where to meet.

IsabellaHA: Where are we meeting before lunch, should i meet you at yours or at nandos? x

Was the kiss too much? I always do it, im just being polite, i'm overthinking this way too much. I constantly refreshed, my twitter, nervously waiting for a reply. I shouldn't be nervous, what am i doing?

WillNEEEE: Meet at nandos? I'm already in westfield getting some things so it'll just be easier x

IsabellaHA: Okay, i'll leave in a minute then, see you soon x

[read :13:42]


I stepped into nandos, immediatly noticing Will at a table and walking over. He looked up at me and smiled as i sat down across from him, i took in his features, his smile, his eyes, scanning over his face.

"Hey, you look amazing Isabella." I just smiled, internally screaming at what he said.

"Thank you, so much, you look lovely too." Why am i nervous, i hope it doesn't show fucking hell.

"Right I'll go get the food, yeah, what do you want?" I immediatly scanned over the menu, and told him my order and drink. I opened my messages and saw a groupchat pop up, and read the participants.

ex-lesbian, that must be simon.

Starvikk321, Vikk of course.


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