twenty nine x

970 20 1

Isabella's p.o.v-
I parked my car outside my families house by the coast, and pushed myself out of the car and into the cold, sea breeze. I knocked quickly on the door and stepped back to allow the door to fully open.
"Hurry up elliot, fucking hell." I muttered under my breath.
As he opened the door our dog charlie came running our towards me. I laughed and played with him for a minute before moving inside with elliot.
"Bella, do you want anything?" Elliot's called me Bella since he was a baby because he could never pronounce my full name, he's never been the greatest at English.
"Coke please, also, spill the tea on your love life hun" I smile and kick my shoes off in the living room before turning back to my younger brother.
"Well, liam introduced me to this actual sort when i was visiting and well, yanno" Elliot laughed and handed me a can of coke and sat down in the living room too.
"I need more information, firstly what does she look like?"
"Bloody hell bella, she's dark blonde, pale, 5"6-"
"Too tall for you then?" I winked at him and he gave me a disapproving look.
"Im not thattt short, only 5"9"
"Still shorter than me then, im 5"11" He rolled his eyes and continued describing the girl he was seeing.
Elliotpearson: ily iz [1 image] 🧡🧡🧡
Instagram story from: isabella.pearsonx
ily el [image] 🧡🧡🧡

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