thirty three x

921 23 2

Isabella's p.o.v-
"Bella what was that?"
"Were friends again El."
"Who's 'we're'" Elliot questioned me.
"Will." I breathed in sharply, unable to tell how he was going to react.
"What the fuck Bella? He was so horrible to you and you just run back to him like that.?"
"But El, its a second chance."
"I don't fucking care Bella." Elliot started to raise his voice so i dragged him outside the pub to try and avoid any awkward stares.
"El please."
"No bella, why the fuck are you going back to him?"
"Were only friends El."
"Friends is still bad enough." He then spun around and walked away, clearly in a strop. I stumbled back into the pub and sat down at a booth by myself. I texted Elliot in hopes of him answering.
Bella: El?
Bella: Elliot please
Bella: El please listen
Bella: Stay safe El
Bella: Please answer me darl
[read 22:45]
I breathed out heavily and slammed my phone down onto the table. I heard footsteps walking towards my booth but I didn't pay attention.
"Hey Issy?" The voice belonged to george, who sounded softer than usual. I moved to the side so he could sit down.
"Hey." I smiled and looked into my lemonade that was in front of me.
"Are you okay, you seem so upset." He put an arm around my shoulders and stroked my arm gently.
"Averagely, except for the fact that elliot has had a massive go at me for making up with Will and now has walked off somewhere when he doesn't know where the fuck he's going or has keys for my apartment. And, its all my fault." He pulled my closer to him in a friendly way, nothing suggestive, as tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to fall.
"I'm sure he'll come back." I shook my head and breathed out shakily.
"He's stubborn, anything could happen to him, I don't know what to do!" I slammed my head down onto the table, making a glass topple over and a bruise form on my forehead. He ran his fingers through my hair gently to calm me down-i can tell he's a real friend.
HONESTLY YOUS MAKE ME SO HAPPY. THANK YOU FOR 12K READS THATS SO SICK ILY ALL SO MUCH. I hope you're all doing amazing because you deserve it so so so so so so much xx

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