fourteen x

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Will's p.o.v-
My head aches, and i'm much warmer than i usually am. I flicked my eyes open and immediately saw Isabella in front of me, and I was spooning (is that a term ??) her from behind. I lay there content for a few minutes, listening to her gentle, regular breathing, before i wriggled away. Where the fuck is the medicine, Gee must have moved it. I swear the pills are nowhere, unless i'm just being stupid. I heard Isabella walk in, and i spun around to see her in a jumper i had left on a chair.
"Sorry, i was cold." She said, awkwardly looking around the room and heading for the sink.
"It's fine, you suit my clothes." She laughed and picked up glasses for us both. I stood and watched her, the way she walked around so softly and carefully filled the glasses, making sure they were full but didn't overflow. My eyes moved to her face, the way her green eyes sparkled when they hit the light. She was mesmerising to look at, i could genuinely stare at her for days in the most not-creepy way possible.
"Willll, you okay?" She was clicking in my face, her head turned to the side.
"Ohh, uh i zoned out sorry." I looked at the floor, my cheeks heating up.
"Mmm what you thinking about?"
"Where the fuck the paracetamol is." Smooth, Will, smooth. Isabella just laughed and pointed to a cupboard that was too high for her to reach.
"I mean, this isn't my house, but i keep mine there so you might too." She questioned, and i mentally facepalmed because I suddenly realised it was there.
"You know my flat better than me, oh my" we laughed and took the pills, then stood either side of the breakfast bar.
"Mmm you're a nice hugger by the way." Isabella told me, looking into my eyes, which made me feel slightly nervous.
"I could say the same about you." She just smiled in response, because her phone started ringing. I listened to her voice, I didn't know what she was talking about but it was intriguing.
"Happy Birthday, i just woke up sorry." Mm must be Cal.
"Well i would have called if i was awake man."
"Besides the point? What is the point then?"
"Cal i'm fine, dont stress about me of all people on your birthday."
"Yes i got back safely."
"No, yes, Why?" Jesus Cal likes asking questions.
"Should it matter?"
"Guess, Mm correct?" Was this about me?
"I'm still there now, okay, i'll tell him, bye." Isabella hung up and rolled her eyes.
"Cal's rescheduled the swimming thing to tomorrow because he has a headache and can't be arsed to go."
"More time with you then." I winked at her jokily.
"Of course, my company's the greatest." We continued conversation, and decided to do public dares for one of her videos, and I don't need to film at the moment so we're just doing hers.
"Meet you here in 45 minutes okay?"
"Got it, see you in a bit Will." She hugged me, to which i hugged her back and kissed her forehead gently.

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