nineteen x

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Isabella's p.o.v-

I pulled up to the bar, even though its a ten minute walk i am not dragging Will home on foot. As i stepped inside the bar, the strong smell of alcohol hit me like a brick. I searched the bar, frantically looking for Will so i could get out as soon as possible. Where the fuck is he? I finally spotted him in conversation with a tall blonde, who had slightly tanned skin and heavy jewellery adorning her body. I thought nothing of it, I trust him. I tapped his shoulder and smiled lightly, my eyes telling him "i cant be arsed please can we leave.".

"Will, we need to go." He made a slurred reply and nodded to the blonde as a goodbye, before i grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

"Mmm, driving?" He mumbled, while tripping over his own feet as I guided him down the pavement.

"Yeah, just in here hun." I sort of shoved him into the passenger seat, before i slammed the door shut and walked over to the drivers seat. I sat laughing at his attempt to make conversation, but the words came out stuttered and a mess.

-lil time skip x-

"Morning Will." I smiled, shoving a bottle of water and a pill in his face as he opened his eyes.

"Mm thanks, morning, ooh is that bacon?" I laughed lightly, and the way he got so distracted, it never gets old.

"Yes it is, breakfast is on your bedside table but i need to get dressed so you can sort yourself out." With my statement i walked over to my wardrobe in my apartment-because i had taken him here after his drinking.  I grabbed a simple white ribbed crop top with a lemon in the corner, white jeans and a fluffy, yellow coat.

I walked i to the kitchen so i could grab my bag, but Will was already passed out on the counter with a half eaten bowl of cereal in front of him. I shook his arm, slowly waking him up. Will blinked and squinted because of the bright lights in my apartment.
"Why the fuck did you wake me up?" I sighed, he's been like this for days.
"Because you told me yesterday you had to edit, start filming and go out and get food shopping so I thought it'd be nice of me to wake you up and remind you." I tried to stay calm but my temper rises easily.
"Well it's not that fucking important is it?!" Will seemed angry, which used to be rare but now its a common occurrence.
"I cannot fucking win can I? If i never reminded you you would've blamed me even though im not the one who goes out drinking every night and never gets any work done." I stated, anger clearly coming across in my speech. My breathing got heavier and i glared a cross the table at him awaiting some sort of reply. He just stared and stuttered, like something was clearly on his mind.
"Do you have something to say?" My voice rose, my words wavering dangerously, "sorry but if you need to admit something to me then do so now, you're fucking guilty, it might as well be written across your forehead."
"Just shut the fuck up I've done nothing." Will spoke fast before he pushed his chair up and rushed into my bathroom before i could get a word in. What an asshole.
I'm beyond sorry for not updating, but I'm finally feeling more inspired and i'm getting over my illness. Thanks for sticking around x

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