six x

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Will's p.o.v-

I collapsed into the sofa at Cal's flat, unsure of what to do.

"You're her best friend Cal, surely you have some idea on where she'd like to go on a date."

"Mmm, its never really come up in conversation, but her favourite dates have always been ones where she went out for a nice meal or spent quality time with the person. She also likes getting dressed and looking nice."

"Thanks man, I think I have an idea now, when should I ask her."

"Text Isabella now and ask to meet up, she'd prefer it than over text." Cal explained, even though he knew I was terrified of messing it up, "She'll say yes, don't worry will, she definitely likes you."

"I'll text her now, thank you, again." I slid my phone out of my back pocket and clicked on her contact, typing a message out.

WillNEEEE: Hey Issy, can we meet up at some point today, I have something to talk to you about.

Isssy: Of course Will, is everything okay?

WillNEEEE: Yeah, everything's fine, can I meet you at your apartment at 2:00ish? x

Isssy: Course you can, see you then Will x

I said goodbye to Cal, and walked back to my apartment to get ready and ask for some advice from Gee, they've gotten closer recently and she's been trying to get me to ask Isabella on a date for ages.

Isabella's p.o.v-

As soon as I said goodbye to Will, I rushed to my wardrobe, unsure of what to wear. I started with some underwear, going for something slightly sexier than usual, because it gave me confidence. I walked back over to the wardrobe, trying to put an outfit together. I decided on a lilac shirt, showing off a lot of cleavage and simple, blue jeans. I popped it and slid on my lilac Puma x Fenty sliders and clipping in some oversized, silver hoop earrings.

 I popped it and slid on my lilac Puma x Fenty sliders and clipping in some oversized, silver hoop earrings

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I applied my makeup, my normal look with a ton of highlight and glow. I slicked on the last layer of lipstick and applied one last coat of mascara, as I decided against false eyelashes.

[a/n] ive decided soph (sophdoesnails) will be all the makeup looks but wonn't play Isabella's 'role' as such, like Instagram posts

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[a/n] ive decided soph (sophdoesnails) will be all the makeup looks but wonn't play Isabella's 'role' as such, like Instagram posts. I'm really just using her makeup looks, as she is extremely beautiful and her talent is amazing.

I shuffled around the house, eating an apple and patiently waiting for Will's arrival. I'm really excited to see him and I hope what he has to say is good. I'm knocked from my thoughts by my doorbell, ringing. I slid over to the door, grinned, and opened it.

Third person p.o.v-

Isabella greeted Will and invited him in, closing the door and pulling him into a hug. They stayed hugging for a while, their arms around each other made them feel safe and warm. Will spoke up,

"You look absolutely gorgeous Issy, how have you been?" He said, breaking the hug, as they both sat next to each other on the sofa.

"I've been lovely, thanks, what did you want to talk about?" Isabella turned an scanned Wills face, which looked worried, "Are you okay, you seem tense and nervous?" She asked placing her hand on his, intertwining their fingers.

"Well, uh, I was wondering if you'd like to come on a date with me?" He sighed in relief, he had finally got the question out.

Isabella's face lit up, her eyes twinkling "I would love to Will, that sounds amazing." She grinned and pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. Will placed his arms around her frame, moving them from her waist to her hips, gently looking into Isabella's eyes. They both leaned in, and softly kissed, they felt sparks. they felt happy, together, embraced. Isabella pulled away from the kiss, pulling him close one more, she whispered.

"Thank you Will."

"No problem, gorgeous"

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