thirteen x

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Isabella's p.o.v-
I admired my appearance in the mirror, my curves were extremely obvious in the tight, nude dress. I walked over to my makeup table and applied a dramatic look, including false lashes and a blinding highlighter. I clipped in my earrings while listening to some drum and bass. I put on the jewellery and opened my phone, the time reading 8:12pm. I was meeting a ton of people downstairs in the lobby at 8:30pm so this gives me time to get Cal's present ready.

 I was meeting a ton of people downstairs in the lobby at 8:30pm so this gives me time to get Cal's present ready

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I put the T-Shirt into a large gift bag, with a box of chocolates and a bottle of his favourite wine. The Gucci trainers i also bought were stuffed into the bag, still in the expensive looking box, and i wrote out a card.
Dear Cal,
Happy birthday my best friend, i've known you for so fucking long and i never knew i could be this close to somebody. We've been there for each other constantly and the amount of respect and love i have for you is insane. I hope you like your gifts, if you don't or i somehow fucked up the sizes i can return/change them.
All my Love,
Isabella xxx
I tucked it into the bag, then left my apartment so i could make it downstairs in time. My wedges were easy to walk in and i stood in the painfully slow lift until it reached the ground floor. The doors opened and i saw everyone i was meeting in the lobby there on their phones. I walked over and they all looked up and cheered.
"HERE SHE IS" Harry shouted.
"Happy birthday Callie." I hugged him and handed him the massive gift bag, which he gratefully took.
"Holy fuck what did you buy."
I laughed and we moved over to a little seating area where he went through the bag. I felt like there were people watching me as i walked, so i flicked my head around and saw Joe (Weller) and Will both turn around, embarrassed. I smiled and sat next to Cal who was starting to go through the bag.
"Ooh fancy chocolates and wine, you know me well." He laughed, and took the shirt out the bag "Oh my god i love you so much, i've wanted this for so long." I laughed and and took the Gucci shoe box out the bag, which caused a lot of the group to gasp and look at me.
"Fucking hell Isabella how much did you spend."
"A lot, its why im wearing a cheap ass dress." I smiled as he admires the shoes, smiling widely.
"I'll go pop all the gifts in my flat then i'll be back down."
Third person p.o.v-
Will grabbed Isabella's hand and pulled her over to the bar, the time reading 10:45pm. He ordered two vodka and cokes and handed one to her. They drank and laughed with eachother, when Cal came over to order a drink and winked at them, then joining the conversation.
"You two are cute." He laughed, sitting down.
"Haha, you excited?." Isabella slurred slightly at him and he nodded.
Isabella and Will both got a bottle of beer and she pulled her onto the dance floor so they could dance to one of Isabella's favourite songs to listen to in clubs, 'Bonkers'.

Will's p.o.v-
Isabella pulled me onto the dance floor, laughing and dancing with me. She started swaying her hips and rolling them slightly in circles, and i saw Sarah and Talia wiggling their eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes and drank more of the beer and pulled her closer to me. Isabella started grinding on me slightly, pushing her arse onto my crotch. Fucking hell she's hot, I shouldn't be saying this, but damn. I bit my lip and smirked at her as the song ended, pulling her over to a table so we could all take group shots. We were all handed two tequila shots, and on three we downed them.
Isabella easily drank the two, so did Cal and Harry, typical alcoholics. The rest of us made extremely disgusted faces and winced at the strong liquid we were drinking. The three laughed at the rest of us, then drank jäger bombs and vodka shots, trying to get us to drink with them
Isabella's p.o.v-
We were all stood on the dance floor surrounding Cal, and 'Waiting all night' started playing. We were all holding plastic red cups containing some sort of alcoholic beverage. The beat dropped and the drum and base backing track came through as the time hit midnight.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAL." Our group screamed, as confetti covered the dance floor and the lights started flashing extremely quickly. "ESKETIT"
We all started badly dancing, and i was swaying my hips with the girls, while trying to talk but it ended up in a slurred mess. We all continued to dance and sing to the music, letting go. More drum and base music played for the next two hours, as we got extremely pissed and eventually left and got Uber's to our apartments and homes.

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