ten x

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Isabella's p.o.v-

I pulled my new IPhone from my purse and opened the SnapChat app, laughing, having a tipsy conversation with Cal about our current relationship status'.

"I may be seeing someone" I hinted, giggling.

"O bitch who, spill."

"Nah, we have to SnapChat our shots anyway, it's tradition.

I clicked on the camera, and held down the button, starting to film. We downed the vodka shots and started screaming to 'Starships' by Nicki Minaj, we're drunk messes. We continued filling our SnapChat stories of eachother singing and dancing, mine mostly of Cal twerking or awkwardly dancing in the crowd to 'Gods Plan' by drake (an absolute banger btw). As I started to scream the lyrics to my current favourite song 'Motorsport' Cal videoed me, laughing his ass off.

"SO TELL ME HAVE YOU SEEN HER? LET ME WRAP MY WEAVE UP, I'M THE TRAP SELENA" I continued to sing, I can normally sing but I was also drinking a beer at the time, not a good mix.

Nearing the end on the night, and Cal grabbing few girls' numbers, we left, stumbling down the street carrying bottles of wine, every once in a while drinking from them.

"Fuck my feet ache." I whined, I usually love heels but, these where a challenge.

"HAHAHAHAH SUCKS TO BE YOU." Cal screamed, as he walked straight into a wall, then continued to apologise to the bricks and not me.

Third person p.o.v-

The pair stumbled into the lift, after Isabella had fallen onto the floor in the lobby and Cal had collapsed onto the front desk. They still had wine bottles in their hands, as they pressed the '12' button in the painfully slow lift. The door opened at floor 7, and they exchanged a look of fear, and also embarrassment until Will stepped into the lift, pressing the floor 14 button.

"Ahahaha hi Will." Isabella slurred, leaning against the mirror of the lift.

"Yo man, where you going." Cal also said to him, taking a drink from his bottle of wine.

"Back to my flat, yous okay?." Will was confused and almost crying from laughter, the two were a mess.

"More than better, to be fair, but my feet are killing me."

Will also filmed Isabella and Cal in the lift, drinking wine and talking about going to a lil pump concert for the views. The two drunk friends, left the lift and, somehow, got into Cal's shared flat with Harry and (Cal)Lux, who were both there at the time filming a fifa 'Search and discard' video.

Harry's p.o.v (ooh something new)-

I turned my head from the screen as I heard the front door open, and Lux did the same I assume. We both stepped out of our rooms into the corridor, as Isabella and Cal kicked off their shoes and finished downing bottles of wine, somehow still awake. I went onto twitter, taking a picture of them at the doorstep and drafted a tweet.

wroetoshaw: @ callux and I were trying to film and I think I'm about to die from laughing, are they okay? [image]

I sent it out and callux retweeted and liked it, and I scrolled through the replies.

bellasdmnx: top quality image

miniminter: alcholics I swear

elliotstevenson: wow my sibling's a good person

willne: don't try having a conversation with them, it's traumatic.

(a/n) yo thank you so much for over 200 reads, its actually insane. this is a shite filler chapter, i'll make a proper nice one later, but seriously thank you all so much it means a lot xxx

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