Chapter 1: First talk

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 The first moment I had met her I had underestimated her.

I focused on the straw filled dummy as my sword easily slashed through the flimsy thing. I panted slightly the heat wave making the air almost un-breathable. I continued any ways one goal in mind.

I had to improve.

It had only been around a month since the fiery white haired technician had..... defeated me in battle. Instead of dealing a final blow she offered a spot in her army for me along with my battle companions. I remember telling her that I would join in her mission but that I preferred to be left alone. She grudgingly submitted to my wishes only contacting me to notify me if I was on the battle front that day or if I had hunting duty or a meeting to attend with Chrom. Who I had actually become pretty decent friends with over the past month.

I swung my sword and decapitated a wooden dummy the sword giving little to no resistance from my trained muscles. I lightly panted as I continued my sword play. Retracing countless battle styles and foot work that I had drilled into myself over and over again. I felt frustration take hold as I noticed my stance being off and my sword work was sloppy.

It's because I can't get that darn woman out of my head.

Out of all my years of fighting I had never faced this dilemma. I had rarely ever been d-defeated.

My first impression of her was quite terrifying if I remember correctly. She had a fire in her magenta eyes that shone when she fought while her white flowing mane of unruly ringlettes made her a sight to be reckoned with.

I remember her foot work with a sword was like a dance all in itself, it was graceful and deadly that held a sense of hope and ferocity that a rare few of my best masters possessed. She obtained a dace that I was clearly out matched in. But it was afterwards that had me stunned the most. Along with it being the root of my frustration.

This stunning goddess warrior of light, was a complete child.

She wasn't young either, no, she was a grown woman and yet she still held a sense of childish impulses. She was an extremely perky person and was overly loud. I had actually seen her around camp many a time bouncing on her bare feet in joy and screaming from happiness. She was usually seen with a shy pink haired dancer, drooling over romance novels with the overly perfect and organized Pegasus rider, or making sweets with the ginger haired thief who continually raided the kitchen in search of sugar.

She was also the biggest book worm I had ever encountered in all my travels. On our week off I observed that she didn't leave her tent for a full three days because of a series that she couldn't "put down" she had to be dragged out of her tent by Chorm because she was so invested. Not to mention she was constantly chattering and laughing. In a sense I think realizing this made me even more intimidated by her than our first meeting.

Not to mention strategy meetings with her where the most intense and awe-inspiring events of the whole army. It was only around these times that I saw that warrior who had beaten me with her crafty ways of surprising the enemy and saving as many lives as possible her clever tricks that made me hold the deepest admiration for the girl.

Of course I had also observed her training as well. Which was mostly her explaining new techniques to her sparring partner than the girl actually training. And when she did finally get time to train she was always distracted in some way, be it through someone coming to fetch her or herself becoming distracted with another matter that required her expertise in strategy.

That was also a huge frustration.

How did this woman beat me?

I had trained my whole life to defeat strong opponents. To surpass even the mightiest solder and I was defeated by this sugar plum pixie of a woman. I had only seen a rare handful of the moments from her proving that she was the actual warrior I had been defeated by. Those moments usually were when she was practicing by herself at night and when she was in a battle meeting. Only then did she hold a respect and a maturity to herself that I had only encountered with three people in my lifetime and it was truly mesmerizing.

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