Chapter 34: Beautiful Boys

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"Will you two boys stop freaking out? Geez. I was expecting this from Morgan, because he's half Robin. But Priam, I didn't know you would be just as bad!"

I ignored Cordelia and looked over to see that Morgan was still pacing furiously the boy looking at me anxiously every once in a while. He was going to leave a hole in the carpet if he wasn't careful.

"I don't know what you mean." I bit back at the rider.

She gave me an unamused look and pointed at my foot. I looked down and noticed that I had been the culprit of that annoying tapping sound for the past hour.

I stopped my foot and watched as my leg started bouncing.

Gaius entered the tent his arms full of snacks and sweets.

"Man who died?" I heard Morgan give a frightened sound as I glared at the ginger.

"Nice going, sugar maniac." I looked over at Severa who was sitting beside Nah. The pigtailed girl was accompanied by Indigo who seemed nervous as well being seated between the two girls.

"Right, not appropriate." Gaius slinked into the tent and dropped the snacks onto the table.

"I knew that labor took this long but is it really supposed to be seven hours?" Morgan gave a frantic look to me. I shrugged not knowing. All the information I knew was facts I had collected from every midwife in the area of fifty miles along with the five hour talk I had with Libra on the matter, not to mention the three hour talks I had with both Maribelle and Olivia.

"I mean according to the pregnancy books I read it's technically supposed to be-" I tuned out Morgan's nervous rambling as he spoke in an extremely fast incoherent string of words.

The one thing I was sure of though, was that I was nervous as hell.

Not to mention, poor Morgan looked like he was about to pass out.

Everyone froze as I heard an electrifying scream.


I felt my hair stand on end and my muscled instinctively tense up at the horrible sound. Morgan froze his hands pulling at his messy hair.

"I'm going to be sick." Morgan groaned and sat next to Nah the dragon girl rubbing his back while Inigo tried to distract Morgan.

"Just relax, your mom is very strong Morgan." Nah shot a nervous look over to where the delivery room was the girl looking slightly uncertain.

"Hey! Did we miss it!?" I looked over to find Cherche erupt into the tent the dragon rider dragging her son with her along with his baby form. The grown boy having his arms crossed and his expression completely unamused. His mask still covered most of his face.

Gaius went up to his wife and pecked her on the lips. "Nope, by this point Morgan isn't going to be born until June." He picked up the baby Gerome and started making faces at the little dragon rider.

The grown Morgan let out a frantic noise as he grabbed at his hair. "I owe mother for putting her through this. A card on mother's day is not going to cut it from now on."

"Why did you bring me here?" The dark rider asked his expression bored as he stood next to Morgan.

"Oh stop with the whole tough guy act Minerva tells me how you scratch her belly and decorate her saddle whenever you get a new one." Nah bit back.

The orange haired rider instantly blushed as Inigo started upright laughing.

I watched amused as Gerome grumpily replied. "N-no I don't! That's ridicules!"

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