Chapter 21: Memories

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 "No luck today, either..." Morgan roughly sheathed his sword the young warrior gritting his teeth in frustration. I instantly relaxed my fighting stance my sword dropping from view.

The young man gripped his wild curly hair. "I'm going crazy trying to remember you. I feel so useless! I'm just so..." The boy sniffed a little as I saw tears start to well up in his eyes.

We had both come to the conclusion that sparring and meditation were more likely to trigger memories between the two of us than anything else.

Certainly beat Morgan hitting his head against a post.

But even with this idea we were finding problems.

"Why can't I..." Tears streamed down his face in full force now.

"Come now, Morgan. Pull yourself together, it's okay." I awkwardly added. I was still getting the hang of this fathering business and was still very unsure of how to do it.

"B-but I know I must have loved you just as much as I loved Mother. I bet we had a million memories together, and the thought of having lost them... I feel like I failed you. Like I... Like I..." He continued the boy donning a frustrated and sad expression. He angrily wiped off tears form his face glancing at me every now and then as he sniffed.

We had been spending weeks on trying to get Morgan's memories of me back. But we had no such luck. Morgan was still unable to remember anything about me.

My heart broke seeing him like this. I stayed silent unsure of what to say. I had whole heartedly confessed my fears to Robin who said I should have dismissed them without a second thought.

But still the constant question nagged in my mind of what if I had left? What if I fell in battle before Morgan even met me? I felt my heart ache at the very thought. I attempted to open my mouth only to have silence come out. I was no good at things like this.

Maybe if I were a better father. Morgan would have remembered me...

I placed my hand on his shoulder and waited as Morgan calmed down a little.

"S-sorry. I guess I got a little carried away there..." The tactician added his eyes puffy. I had grown to know the boy very well over the past few weeks and had learned that he took after his mother in many ways one of them being his constant positivity. So to see him this upset... it truly did break my heart.

"I don't remember a thing. It's like... Have you ever stared at a word so long it kind of fell apart? And you think, "Is that how it's spelled? Wait, is that even a real WORD?!" Except here it's "Is that what Father looked like?"

I chuckled and answered. "You have no clue."

The young boy gave me a defeated smile as he sighed and chuckled. "Maybe I should go back to hitting the post."

"Please don't, your mother will kill me. Besides I don't think banging your head against a wall or post is going to accomplish anything." I sat on a bench taking a breather as Morgan continued to stand the boy constantly filled with energy.

He started pacing. I chuckled at the quirk, it being one of Robin's that he had truly inherited.

A sudden sobering thought hit my head as I asked. "You really don't know about your heritage do you? If you don't remember me then."

He shot me a ludicrous look as he gave a huff of air and ranted. "You kidding? I lived off of the stories of the radiant hero Ike when I was little. I can recite it back and forth word for word. I remember how I used to fall asleep to them every night! Mother would always tuck me into bed while... While..." The boy paused hi eyes getting a far off look in them. He grabbed at his head suddenly the boy letting out a faint gasp.

"Ngh! M-my head! ...Wha—?!" I saw Morgan keel over the young tactician clutching at his head.

"What's wrong?! Morgan?" I rushed over to the boy unsure if I should get a healer or not.

"I...I remembered something! Just one tiny little memory, but...I remember!" He excitedly shouted. His hands on my arms as he clarified. I let out a breath of relief as Morgan looked at the ground a huge smile on his face. He looked up at me the boy practically beaming.

"You were smiling at me...and you called my name... Ha ha! Yes! You looked a little bit older, but it was DEFINITELY you! You-you always told me the stories and then tucked me in bed when I was little!" He pointed at me a huge smile on his face.

I felt an enormous weight come off my shoulders. I chuckled lightly as the boy was spinning around joy evident on his face.

He did remember me. I quickly swallowed down the over flowing relief and happiness that went through me. The emotions getting caught in my throat a little.

"I never would have remembered without your help. And hey, this is great! If I can get one memory back, maybe I can get the rest! It may take time, but I won't stop trying until I remember everything about you dad!"

His whole face was set in determination his brown eyes sparking purple for a second. I felt relief and pride swell in my chest. Morgan really was an amazing young man. I got up and clapped him on the back.

"Take all the time you need. I'll always be here for you... You know that, right?"

"Yeah I know... Thanks, Dad." His happy face made my heart swell.

"Besides, this doesn't mean we can't make more memories." I explained as we both started making our way home.


indienote: Hello lovelies! Sorry for the slow updating! I have been experiencing some writers block.  So updates are gonna be a lot slower (I would still check in though because I have a habit of saying one thing and then breaking the rules.) I will also be camping this week! Yay!  I hopefully will get rid of my writers block in the great outdoors. That is if my spring allergies don't kill me first. 

  Also if you guys want to leave suggestions and promts I would love that. Especially things you want to see with this couple or just little moments between people. But just a heads up I am not going to promise you guys that I will do them. This project was honestly so I could better at writing fluff. (Ha! That failed). 

Thank you guys for the love and support! Leave a comment or vote if you please. 

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