Chapter 16: Wedding Bells

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"For the love of Naga, Robin stop pacing."

"I can't help it! If I stop moving then I'll throw up." I explained to Chrom. I kept going the beautiful dress knocking against my ankles as I wringed my bouquet of flowers.

He crossed his arms and smiled as the two of us waited for our que to enter. Priam and I weren't really a couple that enjoyed a flashy wedding like this but our friends wanted it and that was reason enough for us. I mean they literally planned it aside from a few suggestions.

"Were you this nervous on your wedding day?" I asked my feet moving on their own as I stated messing with the beaded sleeves on my dress.

Chrom chuckled and stated. "Even more so, but honestly I was worried mostly that Sumia was going to trip down the aisle."

He smiled as I gave a light chuckle. A tight ball of anxiety had formed in the pit of my stomach. I have never liked being in the spotlight that's why I objected so much to a formal-ish wedding. Even if they were all my friends I still felt nervous. I kept pacing my earrings clinking as I started twisting a small blue bracelet Olivia had given me for today.

"Robin," I saw Chrom get up and intercept my path of pacing.

He grabbed my shoulders. I looked up at the man who had started everything for me. He had given me a family, had always been on my side, and never once doubted me. "Just breathe, he loves you and you love him, that's all that matters right now."

His sweet eyes looked me over as he chuckled.

"I don't think I've ever seen you look this nice, but then again you have always been beautiful." I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Yeah but I could still beat you up." I smiled as he dodged.

I stopped as I heard our que to go. I gave Chrom a fleeting glance as I gulped down my nerves. I took a deep breath, I was going to marry the man I loved today. I felt my heart beat faster at the thought. I had wanted this for so long.

I glanced at Chrom as he whispered. "Keep your eyes on Priam and don't worry about walking I got you."

I nodded as the Exalt pushed the door open. I took a deep breath in as I saw hundreds of eyes on me. I felt my anxiety flare a little. I quickly breathed. I don't know if I could do this.

I stared at the floor my head piece covering most of my face. My pulse raced as I focused on my feet.

Chrom bumped me I looked over at him as he nodded towards Priam. I lifted my head up and instantly locked eyes with the man I adored.

In all the time I had known Priam I had never seen him cry.

I felt my anxiety completely disappear as I was tempted now to sprint to him. I kept my eyes on him as my heart beat fluttered in my chest.

His deep eyes were watering as one of his rare and fantastic smiles shone on his face. He stood proud his soft eyes constantly on me I could tell he was excited and jittery. I nearly laughed as I saw he was wearing his best set of armor.

I continued my way up to him. Chrom stopping me as I became only inches away from my soon to be husband.

I took a huge breath and smiled. He gave me a loving look as I felt Chrom let go of my arm. I gave a fleeting glance to Chrom who was beaming as he took his spot in the audience next to Sumia. His place was there.

I looked over at Priam the love of my life beaming. And my place was beside the man I loved.

I felt Priam's arm lock with mine as I gently grabbed his arm. I smiled up at him completely joy overtaking me. I felt his arm drop as we stood in front of Libra, his hand interlocked with mine.

"I do."

"I so freaking do." 


Indienote: I'm just going to let you guys decide who said which I do.

Sorry for not updating. It's kind of funny but right after I posted sick days. I GOT SO FLIPPING SICK. Like the past three days have just become a blur. Any who I had done a chapter for international women's day. But the pacing didn't pan out so, boo.

I do have a slight announcement: I am going to post a little slower. So instead of two-three days its going to even out more into the pan of around a week. There's a lot of editing and new idea's that go into this, so it's gonna take some time for me to flesh those out. Not to mention college homework is a thing.

But any who I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really liked the idea of having more Chrom in this fanfic but I never got around to it so I think this was a happy inbetween.

I will update soon (I'm bending the new rule already ) and I hope you vote or leave a comment. ALSO I HAVE REACHED 200 VIEWS! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! 

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