Chapter 4: What do you live for?

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"Ow, ow, ow." I instantly stopped what I was doing as I looked up at the albino woman. She took a deep breath and chuckled a little as she teased.

"Sorry I'm a wimp when it comes to pain." I continued wrapping her leg as she stayed silent. Her hood pulled clear up and her baggy jacket completely engulfing her.

The two of us had been paired up in battle recently so I had grown used to bandaging the young girl. What perturbed me was that lately I had started to grow attached to her. Unlike any other pupil I had taken up before me. It was slightly frustrating.

The bustle of the healer's tent made it tricky to talk to her. During the last battle in a foolish act she had put herself in front of an attack meant for a young mage named Ricken.

"Robin. I'm so sorry!" I looked over to find the small ginger mage still giving apologies.

Robin just brushed them off the girl giving Ricken a friendly smile as the poor boy looked miserable. I finished bandaging her leg and glanced at the true injury that she was trying to hide. She had gotten nicked on the waist. She was going to lose blood fast if it didn't get attention.

"Ricken," the small boy squeaked as I addressed him. I rolled my sleeve up and stated in the matter of fact. "I got her under control, it was her choice, don't worry about Robin. Got and check on Nowi and see how she's doing." The young boy glanced away from me and nodded the boy running off and checking on his manakete girlfriend.

I looked over at Robin to find her face lose that gentle warmth as she looked ashen and pale.

I sat in front of her and looked her in the eye. She gave me a small pained smile as she weakly mumbled. "Well I guess I can't get worse."

My heart instantly clenched at how much pain my pupil was in.

"I'll go find one of the healers." I started to put the gaze and bandages away as was about to go find lissa or Maribelle to handle the injury.

"Priam, can you do it?" I froze at the notion. She gave me a pitiful look as she tightened her hodl around her jacket.

"Please I don't want to worry anyone. Besides Mariblle would just give me a lecture. And Lissa will tell Chrom that I got injured. He already thinks it's a bad idea for me to be out on the field. I don't need this to be added to the list of reasons. If I'm not on that field with my friends someone could get left behind or hurt. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something like that happened." I stared deep into her purple eyes her resolve clear as I sighed. I nodded solemnly.

She laid on her side as I asked for a screen to be brought. I felt slightly embarrassed being asked to do this especially where the wound was at. I watched as she blushed slightly and took her coat off. I stared in shock at the results. What I had perceived as a minor wound had been gravely misjudged.

She had a gaping cut right on her waist line, her tank top in shreds. Blood covered most of her arms as well as caking into her beautiful white hair. I swallowed the lump in my throat and envisioned it was just another of my female comrades not the stunning pupil who seemed to be incredibly reckless. She lightly moved her tank top for me so I could get a clearer picture of her wound.

I ignored how her flesh was riddled with deep slashes and cuts as well.

She did this often.

I felt my embarrassment wither away as I because slightly angry. She was willing to sacrifice herself without a second thought.

I quickly got her an elixir to sip on while I started to clean her wound. I heard her hiss a little and then relax as I got done pouring alcohol on it.

Radiant Hearts  : Robin X Priam (Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now