Chapter 12: Clean Clothes

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I let the warm soapy water spread over my hands as I finished doing my clothes.

Chrom and Gaius had put me on house arrest since I was still "recovering" from the curse I had on me.

I had become very idle and decided on cleaning some clothes. Of course Priam had been standing guard for me for the past week.

Lately I had noticed that Priam had been drifting from me. I didn't know why, but after that day I had been hexed he had started avoiding me. The man acting more rough and cold than usual. I missed his company.

Maybe I was just overthinking everything with the two of us. It made me a little sad to be honest. And it was times like this that it was hard to be with him now.

Chrom had noticed and hopped that putting him on guard for me might fix our relationship, but all I got from the hero was a couple of nods and silence.

I was slightly worried that he had found out that I had romantic feelings for him. I blushed as I thought of the many incidents that would make anyone any less dense realize I loved them. I touched my hand to my chest as I could feel my heart beating faster.

But now, he was ignoring me and treating me like a stranger.

I sighed as I finished folding a batch of clothes. He had gone to take a bath around an hour ago and I had decided to wash all of his clothes. I made sure to leave a spare set of his clothes for him while I finished taking the newly washed ones off the close line.

I looked up to see that the warrior in question was looking around the courtyard. He was probably trying to find his clothes.

"Hey! Priam! Over here!" I stated cheerily. I made sure my hands were dry as I tucked a few strands of lose hair behind my ear.

He looked around the courtyard. And gruffly stated. "I left some belongings here. You didn't happen to see them, did you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you..." I walked over as he gave me a look of confusion.

"Tell me what?" he asked.

I grabbed the basket filled with his clean clothes and declared.

"I had a little spare time, so I thought I'd do your laundry for you."

The man looked taken aback as I gave him the basket the man stunned.

"My...laundry?" He whispered in a daze, more to himself that me.

"Yes, I washed all your soiled training gear. I also patched some of the larger holes. I hope you're not upset." He stood stunned, I couldn't tell if he was mad or content.

I felt some anxiety grow in me as I added. "Sorry, I got a little ahead of myself I guess, I should I have asked first."

He finally broke from his daze as he assured. "No, it's fine. But...why would you do such a thing?"

I fiddled with the necklace a little as I took a deep breath. "Well, you've spent so much time teaching me about swordplay and many other things... I needed some way to repay you. This was the best I could come up with. Especially since last week. I figured I owed you more than this but it seemed like a good start."

"I see. Still, it was unnecessary. I can wash my own clothes." He gruffly added the man taking the basket of clothes. I watched in astonishment as his face was completely red with a vivid blush.

I smiled and teased. "Hold on a second... Priam, are you blushing?"

The man instantly became gruff as I watched him puff his chest ad state "Me? Blush? Of course not! What foolishness! I am a warrior of the sword." He argued. I tried not to laugh as he proclaimed "Nothing can faze me. Nothing!"

"Not even the bath incident?" I added. His face became a mix of pure red and mortification.

I chuckled as I saw his face become even redder. "You're red as a tomato!"

"S-silence! I'm not blushing. ...I must go. You...have my thanks. ...For the laundry." I watched as he stalked off basket in hand and a red blush completely dominating his face.

"Heh heh, I had no idea he was so sensitive to teasing..." I continued smiling my heart feeling light after talking a little to him.


indienote: THERE! Okay I'm all caught up! Woooo! MAN, three chapters..... well there ya have it. 

Okay, so confession scene is up next so stay tuned for the long chapter ladies and gents!

I actually really liked how this short chapter turned out. It's cute.

I promise I will post the next chapter soon. I will also be posting two chapters when I next update. (They kind of go hand in hand) *wink wink*

Leave a review if you want me to continue this beautiful fiasco.

..... I just realized I love to torture my characters.... *cough* Robin *cough*

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