Chapter 18: Hot

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Indienote: Hey guys! so it's not exactly a week but I found time to squeeze this chapter in. (Honestly I'm just mega avoiding college finals and drowning my stress in writing.)
So this is my favorite chapter I have ever done for this series. I just get a kick out of it every time. (You can comment  your favorite) But, this does have some suggestive content. It's all playful but just a warning the chapter does get steamy and then not.
Anyhow leave a comment and vote! Thank you for reading.


I tossed around in the bed for what seemed like the thousandth time. I stared at my messy books herself the huge wooden case a wedding gift from Vike and Tharja. Every small paper sticking out every small trinket that glittered in the moonlight seemed to only irk me. My frustration finally peaked.

I had thrown opened every window in the tent and long ago kicked all the soft sheets and sweltering covers off of me and onto Priam.

The humid June heat was causing me to go insane!

It was so pancake flipping hot.

I felt sweat drip off my clammy skin as I was tempted to open one of my many rare ice tomes and just freeze myself. I groaned and complained lightly.

"It's too hot to even think, more or less sleep." I breathed. I slowly rolled in bed my shorts allowing my long scared legs to get slightly cooled by the humid air.

Priam gave a soft reply his wide back still facing me. I traced my eyes over his back the strong lines and scars easily seen on the bright night. I turned one more time the sticky sheets clinging to my body, my hair tied up in a loose bun.

I had even changed into shorts and a tank top!

I groaned again as I sprawled myself out over my husband and the bed spread. My leg on top of his hips as my other dropped over the bed.

I couldn't seem to get comfortable. Along with the stupid cicadas buzzed outside along with crickets.

"One of these days I'm going to hunt down all those stupid buzzing bugs." I bitterly huffed.

I heard a sigh come from Priam.

I groaned and talked to myself. "Why is everything so sticky?" I whispered frustration edged in my voice.

I swung my legs around and off the bed and got up and out of the bed. My loose white tank top loosely clung to my hot skin while I tried to cool myself off.

I saw Priam doze back to sleep. Poor thing, I hadn't giving him a chance to sleep at all tonight.

I kept standing the cold air seeming to reach me better, I pinched the bridge of my nose. I had a very important war meeting tomorrow that dealt with the newcomers and I was going to be exhausted for it if I didn't get sleep. Not to mention I was going to be on my feet all day as well so no breaks and no rest.

I lightly traced my steps to the messy books shelf nick-knacks, jewels, and other trinkets decorating the multiple books. I traced my hand across the cold spines of the various tactic books. I grabbed one of my ice tomes and thought about it for a second.

Should I use the wind or the ice tome? I held both of the heavily decorated covers in my hands weighing them both.

I shook my head and foolishly put them back and decided a glass of water would be the safer choice.

I guzzled three cups of water and finally got back into the bed. Priam had taken the heavy blanket off at some point last month so it was just plain sheets. I kept my small body as far away from his as possible and tried to get comfortable while balancing myself on the edge of the bed.

I loved my husband but he was a walking heater. Great in the winter, but the middle of June. Not so much. I sighed and contemplated if the floor would be more comfortable.

"Why is it so hot?" I whined as I readjusted again in the bed.

I reached for book I had been reading recently and put on the glasses that I had charmed to read in the dark. It was a spell supposed to be used for spies but I thought this was a far better use.

The idea of reading to distract me from the heat worked for about three minutes.

I fanned myself lightly not able to focus on the details of the book only reading about two pages since I couldn't focus.

I harshly adjusted my body Priam hissed a little as I accidentally dug my knee into his back.

I froze and squeaked. "Sorry sweetie."

He gave me a grumpy noise and tried to go back to sleep. I sighed and closed the book putting my glasses away as well. I looked down at my wedding ring the metal bands were usually cool around my hand but they now were both warm and had sweat underneath them. I took both off not wanting them to get tarnished.

I flopped over to my back the whole bed shaking. I let out a long unhappy sigh.

I took one of the pillows and placed it over my face. The sweltering fluffy object encased my face as I promptly yelled my frustration into it.

I felt the bed shift.

I lifted the pillow to see that Priam had sat up. His tan and toned body moving slowly. I watched as he slowly turned his head as he towered over me suddenly.

I felt his hands touch my shoulders I looked up in curiosity his expression hidden behind his hair. His hold suddenly tightened as he rough strong hands held an iron like grip on my shoulders. I squeaked in surprise and close my eyes as I was flipped on top of my husband.

I opened both eyes and instantly blushed at the position I was in. His face reached past mine Priam's messy navy hair brushing against my face. His jaw so close to my ear I could feel his stubble rub against my neck.

"If you don't stop complaining about the heat, then I'll give you a reason. My star." He put extra emphasis on each syllable of the nickname he had given me.

His hot breath sent shivers down my whole body each limb covered in goose bumps. His usual deep voice held an even more intense rough and gravely tone.

I felt my body tense as he trailed burning hot kisses down my throat the man lazily trailing his searing lips to my collar bones. He traced his huge rough hands around my thighs and laid back down a satisfied smirk on his face. His eyes lidded and filled with smugness and sleep.

I felt my face heat up very quickly as I rapidly covered it with my hands. I sat on his chest as he started to laugh at me.

I peeked through my fingers. "Y-you j-jerk."

He gave me a lopsided grin and added. "Just remember you have to be able to walk tomorrow."

I felt my face grow even hotter the heat reaching down my neck and back as he laughed. Blood rushed through my entire body covering me in a full body blush.

I felt something slick hit my hand. I drew back a little as I looked at my hand and to my horror.

I had gotten, a nose bleed. Priam's thunder cloud laugher became even louder.


Priam was trying very hard not to laugh the man covering his mouth with his hand. I held a tissue to my nose as I directed a very angry glare at him thunder clouds surrounding me. I looked over at Maribelle who had an exhausted look on her face her hand resting on her small baby bump.

"You know what, I don't even want to know."

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