Chapter 15: Sick Days

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"Don't even think of getting up for your afternoon training." I demanded of my fiancée.

I turned and saw that his hand was outstretched for his sword as he lay in bed.

He withdrew his hand and crossed his arms over himself as he argued. "I've fought while sick before!"

I went over to his bedside his face was flushed and sweat beaded his forehead.

"uh-huh and where did that get you, a one way trip to the nurses and Maribelle on my tail for a week."

I replaced the cold washcloth on his head taking off the dirty head band he always insisted on wearing. It was kind of sweet how stubborn he was but boy was it a pain sometimes.

I blew on the soup I had made. Smiling I teased. "Come on open wide!"

He gave me an unamused look as he sniffed and started shivering again. I giggled at the reaction the worrier softening a little.

He grumbled and finally allowed me to feed him. A strong blush entered his features as he took more spoonfuls to my delight.

I knew something was up when he arrived to early morning sword play five minutes late and then almost fell asleep during mid-morning practice what gave me a heart attack was when he didn't even show up to late morning stretches. Honestly, I thought the man had died.

I heard the tent open as I looked over to see that it was Lissa and Lon'qu. I smiled at the two and embraced the small blonde healer in a bear hug.

She smiled and giggling she asked. "How's the patient been?"

"Stubborn." I replied back she giggled again and walked over to Priam giving him a few basic questions as I went over to Lon'qu I sighed as the man instantly became tense as I approached him.

I laughed and stated. "Come on, how long is this still going to happened I thought we were friends man? Also there is not a single fig in sight!"

He glared at me. "Figs are more likely to go instinct than I, get over my fear of being pelted by one whenever I'm in your presence." I sighed and put my hands up in defeat.

He had a point.

I leaned onto the wall next to Lon'qu how bitterly stated. "Of course Master Priam had to get sick this week."

I looked over at him curiosity getting to me as I asked. "What's so important about this week?"

Lonqu shuffled his feet as he took a step away from me. I rolled my eyes as he informed. "This week was Priam's week to sing at this stupid bar that Sully and Gregor like to go too. He's the best out of the five of us and gets us free drinks because he's so good he's much better than Sthal."

I looked over at him and processed the knowledge. I felt a smile tug at my lips as I remembered the Halloween festival. I would have to pester him into singing something for me once he got better.

I saw as Lon'qu eventually relaxed while watching Lissa. Someone had been threatening Lissa's life recently so Chrom and I had put Lon'qu to shadow her. I also knew that Lissa had a huge crush on Lon'qu so I was hoping the two would become more comfortable with each other hopefully by the time they figured out the threats.

Yes, I was playing matchmaker and no, I really did not care that I was completely meddling.

I glanced at the stoic swordsman and saw the way he looked at Lissa. It made me smile a bit at how soft he was around her. Lissa finished up and gave Priam a sedative so he could sleep the two exiting after lon'qu and Priam grunted and nodded to each other. Must be a manly guy thing.

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