Chapter 14: Exalt's Permission

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I fiddled with my new engagement ring on my finger as I paced back and forth in front of Chrom's tent. I felt my stomach tie into knots.

"Robin dear, please sit down you're making me anxious just looking at you."

The gentle voice of Sumia calmed me a little the girl in her night gown and her hair fully down. She was perfectly stunning like always.

I messed with my necklace and sat down only to start tapping my foot.

"Yeah you're making my head spin, do you want to go on a quick fly around camp!? Or wait maybe we should do jumping jacks! No, wait LETS GO PRANK BRADY!" The overly bubbly Cynthia cheered.

"Cee-cee not now, also stop pranking him. Just because we are courting doesn't mean you have to torment him twenty four seven." Lucina ordered the young girl yawning.

I sighed and begun pacing again.

I wished I could hear what's going on inside the tent but I knew better.

Priam was asking Chrom's permission to marry me.

I felt sick to my stomach. Of course I knew that Chrom and Priam had become quick friends and both respected each other but Chrom was the closest thing to a brother figure in my life aside from Gaius and this was important to Priam.

He had actually planned on going to Chrom first but decided against it due to Sully and Gregor pressuring him and the cursing incident and basically just a mountain of problems and events that had happened.

I paced more intensely.

We didn't even court!

I smiled at the realization. Man we really were a mess.

It made me happy that he wanted to at least try do the engagement right and that he respected Chrom and I's relationship to ask.

I knew where Chrom stood on this topic as well but that doesn't mean I'm still not a total wreck .

I took a deep breath and tried sitting down again the two time traveling girls chatting amongst themselves now. Sumia attempted to walk over to me but instead completely fell face first down.

I tensed as she broke her fall and smiled she brushed it off with a snarky. "Well at least we know Chrom didn't marry me for my grace."

I smiled at the charming girl as she sat by me and hugged my shoulders. I gripped my jacket that I had thrown over my night clothes after Priam had decided to ask Chrom tonight. I felt bad for waking everyone up but Sumia and the girls didn't seemed to mind too much.

"You have nothing to worry about sweetie." I looked up at Sumia who had a gentle smile on her face as she smiled and stated.

"Chrom has been routing for the two of you for quite some time. You have nothing to worry about, he's probably just scaring Priam a little. He sees you like a little sister you know."

I felt a little more relaxed as Sumia got up and asked. "Does anyone want tea?"

Cynthia raised her hand and followed her mother as I meekly stated I would love some. The two women left the room leaving me with Lucina.

The strong willed girl crossed over the room to me and sat in her mother's place as she . "It's going to be okay," she said confidently.

I gave her a curious look as she replied. "Time travel confidence I guess." She added awkwardly.

"Oh." I didn't know if that made me more relaxed or not.

Lucina tried to disclose as little as possible about the future except for anything about Grima. She was mostly concerned with bad time ripples. I had listened to Laurent about the matter on multiple occasions the young man becoming very helpful with understanding most of the time related problems. Not to mention Laurent's intense amount of research helped tremendously along with a few documents from Fredrick's reports.

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