Chapter 32: Midnight Oil

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I surveyed the map of the fortress in from of me the lamp casting a warm glow in the battle tent. My fingers absent mindedly fiddled with the little wood carvings of troops and group leaders.

I sighed and rand my hand through my unruly hair. I hadn't been sleeping well so I decided it would be better to plan ahead while I was up. I yawned lightly as I scanned some of my personal notes and some of Gaius's from when he scooped out the fortress.

I traced my hand over my swollen stomach, my belly poking out from the baggy tank top I wore. I was worried that if I went any farther past my due date that I would go insane.

I drew my attention back to the map. I had been stewing over this plan for around a month and I still couldn't come up with a decent strategy.

In all honestly I was still terrified of facing my father in the upcoming battle in 3 months. My hands started shaking as I traced them over my extremely round stomach.

The pressure I had been feeling from Lucina lately was also getting to me. The young ruler was getting more and more anxious as we approached our date to attack and hopefully put an end to Grima.

I rubbed my eyes knowing that Priam would most likely notice the bags under them tomorrow.

That was another thing. My nightmares had returned.

I had always had them, but they had become long gone once I married Priam. I shivered as images from the night terrors ghosted my mind.

It was hard to tell if those nightmares where my own mind or if they were memories to be honest.

I glanced down at my huge stomach, thoughts like those weren't healthy for baby Morgan.

I placed a wooden figure next to the west and paired Cynthia with Severa.

I looked over as I heard the tent door rustling. "Knock, knock?" I smiled as I instantly recognized Olivia's sweet voice. She brightly smiled her arms holding a basket and toddler Indigo.

"Hey, what are you doing up so late?"

She walked in and placed the basket full of chocolate covered plums in front of me. My mouth watered a little as I grabbed one and took a bite. I had hit the strange craving stage of being pregnant and even though it was sometimes funny it was mostly just a huge pain in the neck.

"I could say the same for you, trust me you are going to want to get as much sleep as you possibly can." She shot Indigo an exhausted look.

I rolled my eyes as little indigo reached for me his little pudgy hands making me smile a little. I lightly gave the small boy my hand as he shot me a shy smile.

I felt sudden tears run down my face.

"Ah! Robin what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. Livs he's just, he's so small! A-and I'm huge. And I can't sleep and Inigo is so tiny. And those plums are really good."

Olivia gave me a knowing look as she deadpanned. "Hormones?"

I sniffed and weakly whimpered. "Yeah, they have been driving Priam nuts." I traced my hand over my huge stomach.

I took deep breaths as I tried to reign in my out of control emotions.

"I feel your pain, girl. Also, go and try to get some sleep or else I will have Priam come and get you."

I laid back in my chair and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Please don't, he has been smothering me for the past two weeks. Oliva I swear to Naga if that man makes me one more mutton, strawberry, spinach, protein, whatever shake I'm going to lose it."

The girl snorted and then started laughing the toddler looking in awe at his mom. She placed indigo on the floor as he instantly went and hid behind his mother the boy clinging to her skirt.

We talked for a little bit longer the woman finally leaving with little toddler Indigo as I sat. I glanced down at my huge belly and sighed knowing I would have to get up and back to the tent at some point.

I grunted as I awkwardly got on my feet. I placed my jacket over my night gown and went to the tent flap. I gave a slight squeak as a hand apparently had the same Idea. I looked up and saw Priam's face the man looking extremely tired.

He yawned and kept the flap up for me as I walked out the man went up to me and taking my hand he sleepily muttered. "Let's go to sleep love."

I shot him a gentle smile as I waddled by his side. We both walked in silence the quiet camp slightly peaceful. Priam stopped suddenly the man thinking for a second.

"Priam what is it?" I asked. He shot me a teasing smirk.

"Oh no."

I watched as he effortlessly took me in his arms the man easily lifting me and carrying me.

I blushed horribly as I wrapped my arms around his neck slightly scared I might fall.

I shot him a stubborn look and flicked his nose the man seeming amused with my little rebellion.

"Just don't drop me you brute." I muttered into his shoulder my teasing tone evident.

He hummed a little and promised. "Never, my star."

Indienote: Kind of a short chapter. but to be honest I kind of don't mind. I really had fun writing this one and I might come back to this one and add to it later on. But for now I really liked how simple and sweet this one was. (Also can you guys low-key tell Olivia is like my second favorite character in the game?)

Also a quick announcement :(future readers this doesn't pertain to you continue on) as I said in the last chapter I'm going to try to wrap up this mess in the next four to five posts. I am determined to finish this and then start working on my next project so if you like my work (which I will announce in the next chapter) so make sure to follow me. I'm also going to try to update by next next Friday. If I manage to finish the latest chapter early I might post it on Wednesday.

Anyways! Thank you all for the love and support again I will do shutouts by the end of this story. Make sure to leave me feedback and to vote! 

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