Chapter 35: Fight

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"Priam I'm not going over this again."

 I glared at my wife who was grabbing her weapons. The girl trying to decide on which tome to bring with her. She muttered lightly about something as she grabbed a few tomes and set them aside. Most likely to go to the forge and enhance them.

"Robin, you are not going into this battle." I demanded my voice leaving no room for argument.

She tilted her head my way and just let out an irritated sigh as she looked over some of her weapons.

I felt my frustration peak, as I charged over to her and got in front of her. She stayed silent but looked up at me her expression exasperated as she just moved to the side where I had been and was now putting on her boots.

"Robin. Do you hear me?"

She continued putting on those cursed boots. I clicked my tongue and again paced over towards her ready to stop her physically if I had to.


"Priam, just stop." I drew my hand back as black magic swirled around the girl her whole body pointed towards me and her eyes an intense purple. I glared her down my hands crossed over myself as I waited.

She took a deep breath, her gaze was heated and intense. We rarely ever fought but I knew that the expression she had meant we both were going to not like the outcome.

"Robin, you just gave birth three months ago, you are still recovering." I reasoned trying to get through to her.

She shook her head and just paced to the other side of the tent grabbing her tomes and leaving.

I growled and followed her knowing that she did that on purpose so I wouldn't fight with her in public.

I flowed her closely through the very much active camp. Everyone was gearing up for this final few battles. Everyone was determined to put an end to Grima.

We both entered the forge where Robin ordered her modifications and just left the naming of the books to Owain. She made a break to leave the tent but I grabbed her arm and led her to the nearest empty war meeting tent.

She growled at me and ripped her arm from my grip the girl now livid. "What was that for?!"

"Robin we need to talk about this." I ordered the authority in my voice leaving no room for argument.

She clenched her teeth and tightened her fists, magic swirling around her.

"There is nothing to talk about. I'm going." The girl gritted out.

"No you're not. You are going to stick to the original plan like we all agreed. You command the troops from the back and not fight. Chorm kills the thing and we find a different way to defeat it."

She rubbed her temples the girl seeming outraged as she began pacing. I stayed patient as she put together her words.

She glared at me and seething she spat.

"You don't get it Priam! This thing, Grima. It is a part of me." She gestured to herself her face full of self-loathing as she shook her head and ranted.

"For my entire childhood I had to obey and let that monster inside my head." Her head waved to her skull the girl pausing.

"I need to kill this thing. I need to be on the field and watch it burn. Because as long as it is alive. I will never be truly free from that cursed dragon." Her frantic expression sent chills down my back.

Radiant Hearts  : Robin X Priam (Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now