Chapter 23: Friends

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I guzzled more of my fire whiskey drink as I groaned. "Why is parenting so hard?" My head lightly banged on the wooden post the soft thud not being heard over the rest of the group.

I looked over to Gaius who was nursing a sweeter drink the man replying. "I just hope I wasn't that big of a pain when I was a teenager."

Cordelia was hugging a pillow and laying down on her own bed her head hanging off as she was sipping on tea.

Olivia sat next to the perfectionist the small dancer drinking one of the semi-sweet alcohols that Gaius liked. Which was either cotton candy or chocolate bacon vodka that somehow Gaius was able to constantly supply.

Her petite frame still held more grace than I could ever poses in my pinkie, her ankles crossed as she sat with girlish posture a long sleeve navy sweater covering her. Why are the people in my life so much more good looking than I?

Cordelia spoke up next the girl stating. "I was, no doubt about it. My friend Shiro and I would constantly get in trouble. Drove my dad insane." Cordelia muttered the girl drinking more tea as she traced her slightly swollen stomach.

Olivia chuckled. "Whatever I bet you were the perfect child."

Cordelia sat straight up as she leaned in and reasoned. "You know my dad was also a perfectionist and my mother was one of the most revered women ever. It's in my blood. So how on earth did I fail so bad at being a mom? Severa literally wants nothing to do with me." The girl ranted placing a hand over her stomach in the process.

Gauis took another swig of vodka and grumbled. "I'm just happy I ain't Blue right now. One daughter is getting married and the other is about to get proposed to."

I looked at him in shock as Cordelia sat straight up Olivia looking slightly surprised as well.

"What?!" I yelled.

Olive shushed me as Gaius explained "I overheard Blue and Stumbles talking about what they were gonna do since apparently whiskers son asked for Cynthia's hand in marriage."

I looked down at my drink horror filling me. Oh gods I hope Morgan doesn't get married anytime soon. I loved him and knew that he technically was of marrying age but I wasn't sure if I could survive.

"Isn't she only 15? I mean she's still pretty young" I added in. Morgan had become quick friends with the energetic girl, along with Owain, Nah, Severa, Indigo, Gerome and Lucina. Basically he had befriended the entire camp in one night.

Gaius waved his hand in the air, "Apparently they don't want an engagement, they want like a promise ring or something like that."

"Well that's smart." I piped in.

"Yeah, man those kids are growing up too fast. I can barely keep up." Cordelia added the girl laying back down on the bed.

"It makes my head spin with how much Inigo actually flirts. I have gotten so many complaints and people questioning how I raised him. Of course Henry just hexes them and walks away but... they don't get that Inigo is actually a sweet heart."

Olivia took a sip of her drink I watched as Cordelia bolted straight up and excitedly started.

"Okay now don't repeat any of this. But Severa has a huge crush on Inigo."

Olivia's face when blank for a second but then parted as a huge glowing smile was on her face as she excitedly giggled.

"Cordelia! We could be sister in-laws!" The small pinkette cheered more while Gaius and I both sat back a tad intimidated by the amount of energy and shouting the two girls were causing.

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