Chapter 11: Curse to Break

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I kept a sharp eye on the ferocious girl as she perfectly executed each sword position. She had improved a lot over the past few months. The girl's foot work was now even more stunning and she was able to concentrate on her own.

Each move held a sturdier resolve and she now moved with her blade. She could easily defeat me now. So I made sure to stay back more and give a few tips.

She had such a strange way of moving when she fought. It was like a dance. An intricate beautiful one.

I watched as her blade started glowing green and gold she gave me a quick glance as she yelled and with a flash the blade went up in sparks leavening a trial of green bright light in its wake as the magic worked its way through the invisible enemy. She took a few deep breaths and then continued.

She had learned how to use Aether a few days back. It didn't come as a shock to me even though she was in the dark flier class right now. It didn't bother me too much that she was able to access the move. She deserved it due to her hard work. I was unable to inherit the skill for some unknown reason. I never thought of it as a lost. I moved on from it and adapted. I held Ragnell in my hands as I watched her. I had tried to let her become more independent from my teaching.

I watched as one of her steps started to falter. I felt my body move on instinct. She fixed the mistake and kept going. For some reason I had become...overly protective of the young tactician. It was strange and confusing. Along with the fact that every time she faltered my body instantly reacted. It had started after our trip to the mountains and it had *ahem* only increased after the bath house incident. I blushed lightly as I shook my head banning all those thoughts.

My mind instantly wondered to the girl. She had dominated my thoughts ever since the Halloween festival.

I remembered the night perfectly to my own embarrassment. I hadn't even touched a drink that night. I had just lost all self control around her, she seemed to not mind and she never brought it back up again.

My concentration faltered constantly and I had problems eating and sleeping. I had gone and confessed my frustration to Sully who blatantly told me that I was "in love" and that I should just tell her already. Of course I denied the fact and according to Sully that was why she was in charge of the bath prank.

I was just extremely fond of this apprentice that was all. Sonner or later this feeling will fade and I'll be back to my normal self. Seeking strong opponents and helping Robin become one.

I took a deep breath and pushed the pesky thoughts away.

I needed to focus.

Robin had come to practice exhausted and had insisted on training. So I told her to do basic formations instead of having the usual strenuous routine the two of us usually did.

I watched as her foot completely faltered and she fell to one of her knees and started panting. I saw a flash of darkness appear around her and then the girl started coughing.

I felt my body react instantly as I gripped the fence. Something wasn't right.

"Robin?" I felt panic run through me a little as I jumped the gate and into the arena. I ran to the girl who was curled up into herself.

The girl was panting hard as she lifted her head and smiled "I'm fine, just got a little dizzy that's all."

"We should call it a day. You don't look to well." I tried to appear calm as I declared "And as I've said before! Anyone who dares step onto a battlefield needs to be -"

"Physically ready." She smiled and finished the phrase as she got up. The girl's legs were a little bit wobbly as she stood.

Honestly she looked like a wreck. I gave a once over the usually energetic and bright albino woman but today she clearly was not feeling well. I saw her weakly pick up her training sword huge bags under her eye as she went to put her training weapon away.

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