Chapter 27: Something New - Part 1

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I was going to be sick. I groaned internally and clutched my stomach as another huge wave of nausea went through me, making my intense migraine pound against my fore head more. For some reason I had been continually getting sick for the past four weeks. Followed by more head aches and the usual back pain for the past two weeks.

Maybe it was because of all the stress of us finally making peace treaties and shocking up to defeat Grima and my supposed scum bag of a father.

I had been working twice as hard on the battlefield and not to mention creating plans and assigning formations. It was back breaking work along with a lot of mental energy going into it but I needed to help.

I felt another long wave of nausea hit me.

I completely tuned out Chrom as he was doing the introduction to the war meeting. I rubbed my temples and tried to not let out a hiss of pain.

"Robin, are you alright?" I turned my head to see Lucina's face plastered with worry. She had begun to take charge of the future children and had started attending meetings. At first it was pretty tense between the two of us for a while but then got easier after I forgave her. It was slow at first but then after a while we had become quick friends and her calm presence made worlds of difference in meetings.

"No, I have a killer migraine and my back is acting up again." I whispered back. I saw the girls eyes solidify with a decision.

I knew that look, Chrom got it all the time and if memory was right I wasn't going to like it whatever she had up her sleeve.

"Go to the infirmary, no dragging your feet or getting "spontaneously distracted" like last time. Fredrick already set you up an appointment since you had been so stubborn lately. Don't worry about the presentation I can handle It. Got see Libra." The young woman's order hung in her voice as her eyes were fierce.

Man, when did she become so bossy?

"Fine." I mumbled.

She gave me a warm and comfortable smile as she assured me with a small pat. I smiled back at her gratitude filling me. As much as I hate to admit it, I probably did need help.

"Thank you so much." I gave her a quick hug and leaving my war plans to her. Chrom gave me a knowing look as he winked to me, Fredrick looking relived almost. I smiled and sneaked out of the meeting. I took a deep breath as I started to make my way towards the medical tent.

I felt another wave of sickness hit me. I instantly went to the side of the path and paused as I focused on my breathing, I covered my mouth and waited it out. The feeling staying for what seemed like hours before it disappeared. I sighed and continued my quick pace to the infirmary.

I rubbed my temples and let out a long sigh. I hated feeling unwell.

"Robin you okay?" I looked up to see Priam. I smiled as I felt the nausea replaced with the familiar warm feeling that only my husband could put in my chest.

I scrambled a little as I patted dirt and dust of me glad that the nausea had passed. "Yes of course! Just a little dizzy." I assured him. I smiled and gently pecked him on the cheek as he looked adoringly down at me.

"I thought you were going to be in meetings all day." He stated the man holding my cheek as I held his other hand with my own.

"Yeah, same here. Lucina wanted me to get checked out for the migraines I have been having lately." Priam's expression changed as I avoided eye contact with him.

Priam had been worried sick about me, he had even tried to talk to Fredrick about reducing some of my duties. But I had to be ready, even if we were fighting my father in a year there was still so much planning and alliances to be made until then.

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