Chapter 31: Panic

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"Where is he?" I stormed into the next healer's tent as I looked around.

"Priam!" I shouted. I didn't see any heads turn as healers and other medics were rushing patients in and out of the tents.

I ducked out to the tent looking over the huge area filled with wounded soldiers or people trying to put out fires.

We had been attacked.

I kept my eyes peeled for my son, he had gone to the thick of the battle zone to get any survivors while I was trying to find Priam.

I felt eyes on me, I turned to see Morgan. The young boy sprinting my way with someone in his arms.

"He wasn't on the west side. Sorry it took me so long to get back, I had to get Severa." My heart dropped as I saw him covered in fresh blood the boy seemed unfazed as always as he reported.

He looked down at the blonde girl in his arms. She was passed out and small wounds covered her. Her breathing was steady while her hands were clasped together to her chest she didn't look like she was bleeding either.

I felt a huge amount of relief go through me that my god daughter was okay. I nodded and let him through the tent knowing that Libra was working in there already with Cordelia. The boy shooting me a worried look.

"Nah is also out there right now so I'm going to have to go back and help her."

I felt a strong hand gently grab my wrist. I looked up to see Morgan's reassuring face.

"Mom we'll find dad. Don't worry." I gave him a weak smile as the boy grinned uncertainly. We both were worried.

I looked around frantically as I spotted Chrom. The man rushed over to me.

"Robin you okay? You ran off pretty suddenly once everything cleared." His huge hands rested on my shoulders while Fredrick followed behind the man giving me a concerned look while he still held a defensive look in his eyes. I nodded and looked around more.

"Yeah Morgan and I are fine but I can't find Priam! How about you? I made sure to tell Sumia and Cythia to stay in the skies. "

He looked me in the eyes and stated, "They are fine. Along with Lucina. Now calm down. I saw him three tents down with Sumia." I gave him a fleeting glance of thanks before I sprinted.

We had gotten attacked in our own camp. I had gotten separated from Priam during the battle. I should have kept a closer watch of the battle I should have stayed close to him.

These thoughts rushed through my head as everything was blurring at the corners of my vision. I gripped my side and hissed as ghost pains of being stuck in that tunnel with those Risen surfaced in my mind. I glanced down at where I had been stabbed through with that cursed blade. Flashes of that battle surfacing to my mind. I paused and took deep breaths. Why now?

I lightly rested a hand on my baby bump concern rushing through me.

I sprinted to the tent that Chrom had described. I felt my eyes widen.

It was the red triage tent.

Dread settled into my bones.

"Lords above please let him be okay." I prayed to the heavens.

I steeled my nerves as I charged into the tent.

It was a battle ground all in itself. I remain unwavering as I heard countless people shouting or crying. Crimson blood covering everyone in some way.


I looked over and saw Lissa the young woman healing a soldier who had lost a leg.

"Lissa!" the small blonde turned to me.

Radiant Hearts  : Robin X Priam (Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now