Chapter 26: Dragons

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"Hey, Robin!" I looked up from the book I was reading.

Nah waved to me her dark green outfit comfortable compared to her usual frilly battle dress she wore.

She messed with the long sleeves and the clunky belt that held her dragon stone her green dress matching nicely. Her hair was in a ponytail that looked much like her mothers. I closed my book and waved back.

She jogged up to me and smiling she asked. "You ready to go? I have been itching for a good rampage lately!" I watched as she started stretching a little the girl looking more pumped than usual.

"Yeah I wonder if you'll break your record of pine tree uprooting today! I found a really good spot too. " I added happily. She gave an excited noise the girl bouncing on her feet.

Nah and I had become quick friends after I had met the girl. Unlike the other children she was pretty distant of her parents and the others at first being labeled a "book obsessed stick in the mud" that was until I helped her out a little.

It was fun to watch her open up to others and even befriend a few of the kids. Not to mention she had almost become something like a little sister to me in a way. Of course she was still pretty skittish around a few people or completely overly blunt and stubborn but that was her personality.

"Well let's get to it! I just got done busting Indigo's butt for skirt chasing and I'm ready to trample something!" I laughed as the small girl gave a few feisty cheers her smile contagious.

She also had the habit of rampaging like an out of control hurricane. At first it was a major concern due to the amount of destruction and just sheer power she had in her manakete form but then it became a nice activity to do with just the two of us.

"Mother!" I turned my head instantly the response seeming to be hard wired into me since I had met Morgan. I waved as I saw Morgan jogging towards us.

I gave him a confused glaze as I noticed he had no armor on just his comfy maroon and gray tunic which I might add looked brand new since he practically lived in his armor.

Just like his father.

I pushed memories of rancid smelling armor out of my head as he caught up to us the boy's breathing perfectly even from the sprint from across the square. "Dad's wrist is still broken so he let me off the hook for training for a couple of hours."

I rolled my eyes at the young man who shot me a big proud smile. "I told you boys that I didn't think it was a good idea to have an arm wrestling match. Also the two of you are going to work yourselves to death one of these days."

The boy smiled as he pouted a little and proudly claimed "I don't mind the training. It's actually pretty breezy compared to the stuff I have done in the past to be honest. And regarding the wrist. He needed to be dethroned! That Old man is going to get cocky if he keeps that stubbornness of his."

"Well, you know just as much as I do that he hates the D word."

"What's the D word?"

I glanced behind me to see Nah had donned a slightly flustered look the girl shy suddenly. I stepped to the side the girl now in view of the young man.

"Defeat." I answered smugly.

Morgan instantly started blushing red as he stuttered, "N-N-nah! W-what brings you around h-here?"

I tried not to snicker as she coolly replied back. "I was going to go, um, get some books! Yeah! With your mom. Right Robin we are getting books, from the store, in town. Right Robin?"

I shot her a questioning look as she helplessly shot me a desperate glance. I could practically hear her begging me not to say anything different. Morgan lit up as he jumped a little out of excitement.

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