Chapter 23: Heritage

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I lazily turned another page in my book. Priam and Morgan had gone out hunting and I was finally alone with a good tactic book. I smiled as I just enjoyed the alone time. The fresh spring air and sunlight also just added to my day.

Not to mention, this book was a tacticians dream come true.

The author kept great notes and actually was a very good artist compared to a few other tactic books I had seen. Not to mention the sheer amount of work that clearly went into the documents. I looked up at the squall of scribbles and messy ink stained pages of notes and drawing I had acquired over the years.

I had to admit I wasn't too bad an artist and actually enjoyed the art form. I glanced at the messy ink sketch I had done of Priam when I still had a huge crush on him. He saw it and instantly demanded I put it up along with a few others when we moved in together.

It was kind of shocking that we had just moved in together and have only been married for a year. It was kind of hard to wrap my head around. I lightly traced my fingers around the tiny butterfly pendant around my neck. Spots of sunlight danced through my starlight hair as I gently caressed the worn page of the book I was reading.

I had finally gotten around to reading the radiant dawn war series I had bought a while back since the boys were gone. My upmost attention drew back to the book in my hands the warm spring air making its way into the room. I flipped to the next page, to find a detailed drawing of what looked like an impressive dark knight. I quickly read the description and his strength tag.

I let out a long whistle and quickly noticed his skills were very much like another hero I had read about somewhere. I took a closer look at the daunting drawing, ink seemed to be spilled and hastily sketched into the very paper the illustration seeming cold and unnerving on its own. I felt goosebumps spread across my arms as a chill streaked down my spine. I could already tell I disliked him very much. I glanced at the sword and noticed quite a few harsh scratches on the blade. He must have been very seasoned warrior or general. What was his name?

I searched the page and almost laughed.

"The Dark knight? Man, how original could you get?" I chuckled the illustration suddenly seeming more whimsical than intimidating now and flipped through some more pages.

I smiled as I saw detailed pictures of the laguz and winged people, detailed accounts of conversations and items picked up during battle or stolen was hastily written in the margins. The hand writing it's self was interesting since it seemed to interchange between the traditional older loopy hand writing and more modern styles. The battles were also so well documented that I was on the verge of crying from joy. The battle field given excruciating designs and beautiful layouts that only a person could dream of.

I flipped to the next page and froze. I came face to face with an almost exact replica of Priam. I stared at the drawing in amazement as I read the name.

"Ike, the leader of the Greil mercenaries."

The warrior had a relaxed expression on his face while a young girl with a staff in hand was laughing joyfully beside him. A mage of some sort was sitting in the grass book in hand and an annoyed look on his face. A multi-colored laguz was seen in the back ground the boy holding a mischievous look on his face. His blue cat ears vivid against the page. I smiled as I saw Ike's arm around a beautiful cat eared girl. The short orange haired girl looking up at him adoringly her green outfit and orange tail seeming to appear life like as Ike donned a smirk to the artist.

Unlike the others this one had meticulous detail each little color having careful consideration. I noticed a beautifully looped signature at the corner of the page the artist named Titania apparently.

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