Chapter 17: Married Life

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"Would you just try meditation?"

I set my book down as I shot my husband a sassy look.

"Meditation is not my cup of tea, you know I suck at it."

"Yes, but have you truly tried?"

I rolled my eyes and closed my book. I knew he wouldn't let me read my book in peace unless I attempted it. Priam and I had come to an unspoken truce on certain things, like reading and meditation. We were both willing to try.

I grabbed the sword that I had forged and made myself carefully balanced it in my lap the blade weighting almost nothing. I placed my hands on the blade and tried to..... Feel the ambient energies?

Honestly I was kind of avoiding work. The future children had become constant in our quest. And some of them weren't the best at adjusting. I had finally decided to hide out here with Priam because I couldn't handle it.

"I can't do it." I gave a frustrated huff as I tensed my muscles and opened my eyes.

"You just need to relax, and not think about work." I heard Priam mumble. I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

"I wasn't thinking of work!" He opened one of his eyes giving me a pointed glare. "Okay I was thinking of work but-but-" My reasoning fell to deaf ears as I quickly got quiet.

Priam believed in meditation, I sucked at meditation. I glanced at the shirtless warrior.

I guess meditation had some benefits.

He had the endurance of a god and basically was a saint in a thousand different ways than I.

Ragnell sat in his lap as he was completely calm, Priam's face completely relaxed. I used my hands as support as I looked around the small little grove that had become a favorite spot of Priam's and mine after our little camping trip here. We had actually picked this spot to have our honey moon as well.

"I can't clear my head. You know how hard it is for me."

I twiddled with the sword that sat in my lap. It was my signature customized killing edge that I had to make early in my training. I was pretty poor with blacksmithing but I had to admit making your own blade was very beneficial and I had gotten much better at it with time.

I watched as he sighed and opened his beautiful deep eyes. He had a smirk on his face as he calmly re-explained.

"Try listening to your surroundings and remember putting your hand on the sword is only half the battle. You as a magic user should know how important it is to recite a spell over and over to get yourself familiar with it before actually using the spell. We are doing the same with the swords. Draw from the ambient energies in the blade and try to connect to its soul through your own."

I grumbled and felt my foot start tapping pent up energy wanting to escae my body. Priam noticed and smiling he stated.

"Just close your eyes and focus on the blade." I gave him an exasperated look and closed my eyes.

"It is impossible for me to shut my brain off, I mean I had a battle plan I had to finalize with Chrom tomorrow not to mention that ever since Lucina joined the army we had been picking up children left and right. I still had to help get Yarne settled and comfortable while Sully's girl adjusted within the day. Not to mention Cynthia was a whole other beast in herself the girl makes me exhausted just watching her. Not to mention I have to-"

I stopped talking as I promptly felt soft lips meet mine, I gladly felt my mind go blank as I wrapped my arms around Praim's neck. His hands held my jaw the rough skin making goose bumps spread over my skin. He moved his lips to mine in perfect harmony. I felt the familiar light headedness he always seemed to give me as he drew back.

I opened my eyes to find that my husband was giving me a cocky smirk as he teased. "Your mind blank yet?"

I smiled and stated. "You might want to try that a few more times just to make sure."

He grinned and drew back as he gave me a cheeky look and stated. "I'll only give you what you want if you focus."

I shot him a glare as he gladly smiled, the man perfectly content. I gave another huff and tried to make my mind as blank as possible. I placed my hands on my blade and tried to reach out to the blade with my mind. I didn't believe in any of this but for him. I glanced over at my husband his wedding ring shinning. I would do anything.


Indienote: I really can't learn can I? (I'm already breaking the rule I made, it literally hasn't even been 12 hours AND IM BREAKING IT) SO I was looking over the last chapter and I like stopped for ten seconds and I'm like.......... that was a really short chapter. So I'm posting this one.


Anyhow most people would consider this a boring chapter but honestly I kind of like the boring little moments between these two because they are just cute. and you know I specialize in intense so it's a nice break. ALSO I WILL HAVE MORGAN SOON I PROMISE. I know people are waiting for him so I will have that coming up soon.

Little note for my next chapter: it's based on a tumblr post, and it shouldn't be anything but just a little heads up it's a tiny bit steamy.

Nothing happens! Anyways leave a comment and vote!  Again thank you for all the support and I hope you stick with me and this hot mess. 

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