Chapter 13: Say You Love Me

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He still wasn't talking to me. It's been three weeks.

I rested my head on my dark flier horse, Sprinkles.

Why I had Gaius name my horse was beyond me.

"What do you mean, is he courting me?" I asked exhausted.

Gaius sat across from me on a barrel the thief sucking on a lollipop as he explained. "Just saying bubbles, you and the old grouch have been getting pretty close."

"Gaius he's not an old grouch he's around the same age as you." I stated brushing down my dark flier Pegasus.

"The ginger does have a point. He is kind of a grouch." I saw Cordelia raking hay into her Pegasus stall as she gave me a quick wink.

Only if you guys knew.

"You see," Gaius gestured to Cordelia as he put his hands together and began explaining. "Look bubbles all I know is that all he does is eat, train, brute around all day, and then sleep! And then he picks Lon'qu of all people to talk to! It's not like that super swordsman is exactly a chatter box either."

I gave him a stink eye as I stated. "Well wouldn't you say the same thing about Cherache, last time I tried to talk to her Minerva was sizing me up! "

The thief pointed a finger at me. "Hey Cher is just shy, also it's your own dang fault, Minervykins can sense that you are nervous around her."

"Minervykins? Oh my goodness Gaius propose to the girl already she's waited a whole year!" I heard Cordelia holler her Pegasus agreeing.

"When did this become about my love life!?" He shouted.

I shushed him and laughed as he blushed slightly. "Besides, I haven't found a ring yet." He mumbled. Cordelia and I froze as I saw the ginger put his hands over his ears.


"You're going to propose?"

The two of us shouted. Gaius had a sneaky smile on his face as he smiled and lazily stated. "Not if you too shout it to the entire camp! But yeah, she's the one. I have never felt this way about any girl I dated."

"Not even Anna?"

I saw the ginger become tense as he shivered and stated.

"No okay dating her was a fun ride of never-ending debt and a roller coaster of guilt and manipulation. Not to mention she was only happy when my coin purse was full. Again a fun relationship but I felt like I was going to get pickpocketed every five seconds!"

"Also I thought we were talking about bubble's love life!" He gestured towards me.

"True but I mean at least you both have love lives." I heard Cordelia mumble. I stopped brushed and scoffed at her.

"Yeah right I see that way Libra AND Virion both look at you."

I laughed as she started twiddling with her hands and asked shyly. "Really?"

"Even I could see it, padre definitely digs on ya prom queen." Gaius stated.

I saw Cordelia give him a stink eye and threw one of her brushes at him. I smiled and continued to brush away dirt and dust from my horse taking extra care in her wings and making sure to use the new brush Cordelia had gotten me.

"Well Libra did just ask me out to help at a charity. Does that count as a date?"

I looked at Gaius who looked at me as we both shrugged. "Gee, thanks a lot you two, great advice!" She grabbed a bucket and refilled the water in her Pegasus through as the two of us smiled.

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