Chapter 3: Books and Weapons

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"I do not understand the significance of going on a tedious shopping trip. When I could be sharpening and honing my battle prowess."

I stood in front of the now familiar hero as he donned a stoic look that I now knew from countless training session meant that he didn't want to do this.

I flashed him a cheery smile and stated "Stop with the fancy words and just enjoy this! It's vital for a person to have a break! We are on shopping duty today. Now come on there will be plenty of time to practice when you get back!" I watched as he seethed his sword and grudgingly followed me.

I had been around two months since had taken me on as my pupil. It was a lot of fun, surprisingly. I had endured harsh training before and had expected them to be much like those but he was actually a very gentle but intense teacher and was better at explaining things than Fredrick. I'll give him that much.

I still felt a little bit worried that he had only seemed to have made friends with Chrom and me within the army though. I mean he was a very skilled swordsman and it would be beneficial to both him and others to learn some of the skills he possesses.

Priam instantly would become silent and grouchy whenever I tried to force him to socialize. Honestly it confused the daylights out of me because he wasn't no "strong and silent" type if you ask me. There was more than one occasion that he chattered my ear off about sword play and battle tactics but then would regain his composure and continued to be quiet to my dismay.

I actually enjoyed the stoic man's company a lot. He was very resourceful and he knew all about his craft. It was inspiring really to watch him talk about what he was passionate about. Even though it was rare to get him on one of his beautiful tangents.

It also didn't help that I kind of liked Priam. He was different from other guys I had met. I actually wasn't even interested in love or relationships for a time being until I met Priam. There was just something about him that made me calm. He somehow always made me happy. It was only a bonus he was built like a Demigod under all those layers of armor.

I shook my head from my train of thought realizing I was staring at said person a little too much. He chuckled as I did so. I felt a light blush run up my face at the thought of being caught.

I had already sent a small team of regular foot solders a head so that they were already waiting for us at the town. I started journeying on the warn dirt road to the town the huge soldier joining me as the two of us started our walk in silence to my unease.

"I've heard a lot about this town actually it's supposed to be pretty rich in resources that we need. So we might be picking up a lot of medicinal herbs and weaponry. So I thought you being an expert black smith basically that it would benefit having you come with me." I explained.

I saw his eyes brighten a little as he stated "I see sound reason to that."

I smiled at the sort of compliment as I glanced at the other items on the list that Cordelia had given me. That girl was a godsend when it came to organizing. Cordelia was also one of my closest friends in the army along with Olivia and Gaius when he wasn't stuffing his face with candy.

We fell into another silence as we walked. It had been so awkward to get use to the silence with Priam the first few weeks. Not to mention ever since I had woken up in that field I couldn't sand silence. I resented it actually. Even though I couldn't remember why all I remember was the resentment I had whenever I was alone and it was dead quiet. It wasn't until I had confessed my fear of silence to Olivia that she had helped me with it.

But with Priam it was now comforting. As strange as it sounded. I felt more at peace than anything else when I was near him. It was a strange thing that I enjoyed most about his company. I didn't have to try to impress him or show my worth because he already kind of knew it, as ridicules as that sounds.

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