Chapter 19: Heartache

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 I took a deep cleansing breath as I stood beside my wife. She clung to her jacket like it was her life line. I reassuringly placed one of my arms around her as I attempted to stay neutral. I squeezed her shoulders as Chrom and Lucina stayed dead silent. We had lost the fire emblem.

And that man who called himself my father in law he had completely taken control of Robin as if she were a mere doll. I seethed at the memory of robins face looking utterly helpless. Robin snuggled closer to me as she sat and blamed herself most likely, she had been acting normal all day long, my strong wife tried to minimize how big of a problem it was.

The silence was finally broken by a soft cry.

My attention immediately went towards my wife who was clinging to herself her matt of fact voice clear and unwavering. "I can't tell you how sorry I am. I should have been stronger against him." She whispered a few silent tears running down her face.

Chroms stern face gave way to heart break. "We didn't know, you didn't know. This is not your fault Robin."

"But it didn't matter no matter how much I fought against him, I couldn't break it!" She bitterly told herself more than anyone.

I noticed that Lucina still kept silent her expression dark.

Lucina had also tried to kill Robin.

I sighed, and Robin had just given herself up to Lucina. If Chrom hadn't intervened when he did then Robin would have been killed.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my emotions.

She had just given up.

"I think Robin and I are going to retire. She's had a long day." I could tell my voice was tired as Robin kept looking at the floor. I knew what was running through her head right now and she didn't need Chrom to see her like this.

Chrom gave a heavy sigh and rubbed his neck as he excused us.

The albino haired woman walked past me and marched out of the tent. She clung to herself as she made a beeline straight to our tent her hood up. I followed behind perfectly fine with giving her space until she was ready to talk.

I had to admit though, it was going to be hard to forgive Lucina. But I knew her intentions were for the greater good and that she was dedicated to her father to a fault. But if she was to become a better ruler than her father someday she was going to have to learn that not all decisions made out of fear were the right ones.

I hesitated as I got to the door of our tent. I took a dep breath as I opened the flap. Robin had already changed into her night clothes her huge clunky boots still on and her jacket wrapped tightly around her. Tears openly streamed down her face as she sat at her desk.

My heart ached seeing her like this. I lightly took her smooth hand. I gently put my hands underneath her as she instinctively reached her arms out and put them around my neck. She buried her soft face into my chest as I carried her to the bed. I was not going to allow her to sleep at her desk like she usually did. The two of us silently curled up into each other on the bed. I hugged her tightly trying to shield her from the horrors of today. The girl just curling into me as I held her. I felt her shake again as she finally broke.

"I'm so sorry." She choked out. She looked me in the eye and rambled.

"I didn't know what to do, I was completely powerless against him. Then when Lucina came at me, you know I wouldn't be able to hurt her. When I lost control. I couldn't control my body. What-what if I did something like that again! What if I ended up hurting you? "

She covered her face with her hands as she clung to me tighter. I ran my hand through her soft hair, waiting patiently for her to calm down.

"I'm so sorry."

She clung to me tightly her head pressed against my shoulder. I held her there. For what seemed like an eternity we stayed like that.



"Promise me something." I felt a certain amount of dread enter my stomach as I knew what she was going to ask. I pulled away from her so that we were looking each other in the eye. Her face was tear stained and perfectly set in determination as she asked.

"If I ever fully lose myself, p-please kill me. I don't want the blood of my friends on my hands." Her voice stayed strong but I could see the heart break in her eyes, how shattered she was by this.

I looked deep into my wife's beautiful purple eyes.

She was always so willing to sacrifice herself.

I drew her into another hug.

I had be subjected to many of the world's horrors but they seemed small compared to the look in my wife's eyes. I wish I could protect her from the world.

"It is my duty to protect you, but if the time came that you truly have lost yourself, I don't think I will be able to."

She tensed as I continued.

"But you are stronger than him, and we will defeat him. Even if I have to fight all of Pelgia I will make sure he never touches you again. You are not going to lose yourself. And if you do, I will move mountains to get you back."

She looked up at me and lightly kissed my lips the girl looking exhausted as she laid on top of me.

I lightly began to hmm trying to coax her to sleep. The girl fell asleep in seconds.


Indienote: Hello Lovies! So this is a pretty short chapter. I have one more day of finals and then I am done so I will update within the next 2-3 days. (I need to fine tune some things for the next chapter) I hope you liked this boat load of angst!

Also! This next chapter is what most of you guys have been waiting for! The next chapter is where Morgan comes in! I'm super excited to release it! Now I want you guys to keep in mind that I have made Morgan slightly non-cannon so he would fit a little more with this specific couple.

Anyways keep checking for the next 2-3 days and I hope you leave a comment and vote! Thank you for reading!

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