Chapter 10: A Flirty Halloween

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"Lissa are you sure I put this on right?" I fiddled with the complicated skirts as she stepped back and squealed.

"Robin you look so pretty!"

I blushed a little and stood in front of the mirror. Lissa had gotten a rare dress called a kimono from the east but since it was too big she instantly wanted me to try it on.

I looked in wonder at all the pretty colors it had and the designs were simply marvelous.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to wear this to the festival?"

She nodded and bounced around in her costume which I think was supposed to be a cat.

"Of course! You never dress up for the Halloween festival anyways."

I nodded in agreement and fiddled with the bow in the back a little more.

"Besides, I know a certain someone who wouldn't mind seeing you like this one bit!"

"Oh my goodness, Lissa, no."

"Too late, Priam has had his eye on you for the past month! Has he courted you yet?" She asked eagerly her little cat ears bouncing.

I blushed and awkwardly stated. "No, of course not! I mean we are just really good friends!"

Lissa gave me a very unconvinced look as she smiled and teased. "That's not what Cordelia told me! She said you are head over heels for him!"

Cordelia I'm going to murder you.

"Who's head over heels for whom?" I turned around and saw Maribelle walk into the tent the girl in an elegant dress and a mask on.

I opened my mouth to explain only to have Lissa blurt. "Oh just how the handsome and mysterious Priam is completely infatuated with Robin!" She giggled as I blushed mortified.

"Lissa keep your voice down please!" I laughed as she shot me a wiry look.

"Well have you tried flirting with him?" I looked at Maribelle with pure mortification and covered my face with my hands.

"Of course not! I can't flirt to save my life!"

"Well flirt with him tonight! You look stunning my dear and everyone comes to the Halloween festival!"

I smiled and gave them one of my hopeless smiles.

"Okay, but It's going to end up in flames."

"Speaking of which." I watched as Maribelle calmly went from peeking out of the tent to going behind me.

I gave a shout of surprise when she forcefully shoved me headfirst out of the tent.

I hit rock hard abs.

"Robin?" I looked up mortified as Priam gave me a shocked look.

"Hey, nice abs."

Oh lord kill me now.

Priam shot me a confused glance as I could heard Maribelle slapping herself across the face at the comment.

"Er, I mean, nice abstract design. On my outfit. Right?" I stated slightly awkward.

Nice save. I heard Lissa groan and could practically hear Maribelle saying she was getting a headache.

Priam looked over my outfit and smiled. "Yes, it's stunning. You going to the festival?"

I nodded eagerly. "Of course I am. What about you? You going to put a costume on?" I asked truly curious.

"No, I'm turning in early tonight. I'm not big on crowds. You going with someone to the festival?" he seemed truly interested.

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