Chapter 5: Six Feet Under

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"Ha!" my blade barely wavered as I blocked an attack. I pushed back on my opponent as the dead body reeked of decay. The risen gave an angry growl and came at me again.

"Olivia stay back!" My steel met the risen's again. The shy dancer followed my order as she gripped her armor slayer like her life depended on it.

Well I guess in this case it does.

I instantly charged at the opening the risen gave me and cut him down with ease. I gripped my stomach as I coughed a few times. I looked down at my hand.

Drat, blood.

I grabbed a vulnary from my pocket and gladly chewed on the leafy green as Olivia started to make her way closer to me.

"That was a close one, thank you." Her serious expression was a very rare one but fit the situation at hand.

I glanced at the intricate hole we were in. a search party had stumbled upon a cave around a week back so Chrom and I created a small party to go and explore it. Little did we know it was filled to the brim with trapped risen, and even worst? Collapsing tunnels.

"We'll find our way back to the group in no time. I promise Liv's" The pink haired girl nodded her jewelry clinking and a determined look in her eyes. I grabbed the torch and continued walking forward. 

Trading my sword for a battle axe. Even though I was more proficient with a sword, I knew that I had used it too much and it would break anytime soon. Olivia knew it too. I had temporarily changed into the hero class for the time being since the terrain of this battle was almost completely underground.

We continued our march down the cave. I felt a dull ache in my stomach from the punch to the gut I had suffered a while back.

I surpassed a hiss as I laid against one of the cave walls.

"Robin!" Olivia instantly knelt in front of me fear leaking onto her face.

Drat, "I'm fine, really Liv's just got a little tired." I assured nonchalantly.

She gave me a worried expression and looked around the cave. "We are going to take a break. I have an elixir on me. Drink it."

She handed me the two bottles as I barked. "No way! We need to save those! All I need is rest!" I shoved the bottles away my voice firm.

"Too bad! Now drink one of them before I force it down your throat!" She demanded. I froze at the order. She gave me a piercing look and explained. "You are the best hope the two of us got. So you need these more than I. I don't care how many days of cleaning duty you assign me after this. I won't let you die here." Tears started streaming down her face as she started blushing. I watched helplessly.

"Man, Liv's, okay, no point in getting so worked up."

I hastily drank the mint tasting drink. I instantly felt my airway open better, and the pain in my stomach vanish.

I should have saved it though...

Olivia looked plenty pleased as she sat next to me our back leaning against the dirt wall.

"Robin," I looked over at the pink haired girl. More tears streamed down her face as she sniffed. "If by any chance we don't make it out of here-"

"Don't you dare ask me to do anything," she stopped and looked at me as I got up on my feet and yelled at her.

"Don't you dare think for a second that the two of us aren't getting out of this alive so save your stupid requests and fulfill them when we make it back alive and well? You hear me?!"

Radiant Hearts  : Robin X Priam (Fire Emblem Awakening)Where stories live. Discover now