Chapter 33: Chaotic Baking

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 "Uh, mom I don't think that's how a cake is supposed to look. "

"Hush, it's not that bad."

The two of us leaned our heads to the side the cake leaning the same way.

The brown cake had very runny white frosting all over it the icing making a clear coat over the entire thing. But the cake was too tall and had to be supported by a ladle. The cake itself was very.... Well it didn't cook all the way through for some reason.

"Maybe I should call uncle Gauis? Or Gerome?" Morgan suggested the sweet boy sitting in the kitchen.

I gave him a stubborn look and declared. "Not a chance, I am going to do this, and perfect it, even if it kills me!" I patted myself down and brushed off some of the eggs and flour I had managed to get on me.

"Okay then, maybe you should start out with making the flavor of the cake anything but bear jerky flavor." He smiled lazily, sarcasm in his voice.

"But your father loves bear jerky!" I argued.

"Mom." he spun in the chair the boy seeming slightly amused with my baking endeavors.

I heard the tent open. I quickly ran in front of the cake hiding the disaster as Morgan was up and ready to distract the person.

I relaxed as I realized Nah had walked in. Morgan had a huge smile on his face as he walked up to the girl and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Hey sweetheart." He sighed lovingly. She smiled at him the girl giggling slightly as she tried pushing his face away.

I relaxed and let the cake fall into view.

"What on earth, did you guys make? A mutated monster pile of sludge?" She asked the girl looking slightly terrified at the thing.

I heard Morgan start laughing as I sulked in front of the cook book I had bought in the last town.

"It's supposed to be a cake for Priam!" I reasoned waving a wooden spoon in the air.

"Oh, it looks lovely." The small girl tried to sound sincere but, had a disturbed expression on her face.

I sighed and stated. "Hun, it's pretty bad you don't have to lie about it."

"Thank Naga. You want me to help?"

I looked at Morgan who just shrugged his shoulders.

"You know what, I would love help." I smiled lightly, again waving the spoon. I felt the handle of the spoon I had in my hand slip the tool flying upward and promptly sticking to the ceiling of the tent.

"Oh dear." I gave a huff of defeat as Morgan tried not to laugh.

"I'll get that later." I assured.

I handed Nah an apron the small girl thanked me and put it on. I looked over at Morgan who was lovingly looking at the dragon girl. The two of them had been going out for around a month now. I honestly loved the girl and I was happy that Morgan was so happy around the small girl.

Nah instantly took charge of the place, the small girl ordering the two of us around as she read the recipe.

I shot him a slightly horrified look as Morgan carefully cut apples with Rangell. He smiled and waving the sword around he stated. "What? I cleaned the blade before cutting these up. I'm not an animal mom." The boy stating.

I rolled my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Priam would have a heart attack if he knew what you were doing."

I glanced at the over wondering if the cake that I had put in there was done yet. I mean they had been cooking for five hours.

"Aww, come on this blade is the only thing sharp enough!" He reasoned.

I looked over at Morgan a playful smile on my face. I aimed and threw a glob of flour on the boy. He had a look of shock on his face as he threw a handful back at me.

I squeaked as the two of us started throwing baking items the both of us laughing while Nah rolled her eyes at out antics.

I paused as I suddenly felt it.

I felt my water break.

And then the oven caught on fire.


Priam POV:

I walked into the room to find Nah attempting to put out a fire in our stove with some water the girl pulling out charred pucks of what seemed like cake. A very heavily flour covered Morgan was freaking out and pacing muttering about how he caused his mother's water to break. While Robin was calmly sitting at the table, her huge stomach poking from under her shirt as she drank some tea.

I looked at her for an explanation as she simply stated. "Don't have me ever bake again unless you want to destroy this family."

I took a second to take in everything and nodding I agreed. "Fair enough." 


indienote: GUYS I HIT 1K READS!!!!!! *SCREAMS*

 Me babbling: I cannot tell you guys how thankful I am to have done so well on my very first fanfic. I cannot thank everyone who has read this mess and shown so much support. I really adore this couple and I'm ecstatic to have gotten more people interested in this couple. I also must say that I have improved so much with my own writing and have learned to truly appreciate people who do write for a living. I hope to continue on with the two projects I'm working on, one of them has already been posted and the other is in the makings. I hope to improve my writing more throughout these little fanfics and I hope that you have enjoyed my writing so far. 

Announcement:  I am sorry for the short chapter this time around but I am going to try updating on the weekend/ Fridays. for the next few weeks since I still am going through the editing process with the next two chapters. 

But anyways, THANK YOU GUYS!!!! 

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