Chapter 30: Night Terrors (Gore Warning)

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indienote: GORE WARNING. If you are squeamish go to the next chapter.

My eyes opened to a bright blue sky. I smiled foolishly as I got up. I spun around to find daises everywhere in a field. I became giddy as I started to run through the field dirt clumping on my feet and orange rays of sunshine danced through my hair. I felt the atmosphere shift as the blue sky turned dark. I spun around and saw the field beneath my feet start to melt. Gravity pulled me down as I started falling. I yelped as I tumbled in the air my eyes screwed shut as I continued to fall. Then softness incased me. I opened my eyes.

I was in an empty room. I took calm breaths as I looked around. I felt my feet make light tapping sounds that echoed in the huge room. I looked up to find that the ceiling was nowhere in sight.

That's unnerving.

The walls pure white and the room padded. I walked up to the nearest wall and touched it the soft pillow like wall a disturbingly pure white.

I spun as I heard a door open. My instincts were telling me to stay but my curiosity got the better of me as I walked through the door way. The door shut instantly behind me causing me to jump. This room was pitch black. My feet carried me forward until I felt my hands meet something.

Funny the wall feels strange.

I felt my blood run cold. The smell then hit me. My stomach churned as I backed away from the wall and tried to get back. I then heard howling. I spun around my eyes not seeing anything as I heard the disgusting sounds of flesh being torn apart and blood oozing through the wood work. The howling persisted.

I heard my breath hitch as I spun trying to pinpoint the sound. I kept running finding out that I was in a maze like room. I kept hitting the fleshy walls as I frantically ran from the barking and howling. I turned corner after corner.

The instinct to run and hide coming over me. I heard the howls get closer. I ran faster. I felt fear overtake my lungs and panic take over my feet while my hands blindly clawed at the walls of human remains.

I felt risen hands next tearing at me my old wounds throbbing.

I looked down at myself as I saw outlines of my hands and my tattoo on my hand glowing purple.

The pitch black began to feel suffocating as I instinctively placed a protective hand on my stomach.

"Robin! We are running out of time!"

My ears instantly perked in distress as I heard Priam's voice.

"Priam! Where are you! I'm coming!" I started running my feet soon changing from tapping on hard floor to water. I gasped in shock as cold water went up to my ankles.

The sound of wolves still coming after me and the hands still grabbing at me.

I had to find them.

I waded through the water trying to locate where the voices were coming from.

"Robin! Save us!" Cordelia!

"We need you robin!"


"Robin!" Oliva's scream ripped through the air.

I felt tears flow from my eyes as I shouted "Where are you guys?"

My voice echoed off into the distance as the water at my feet seemed to grow colder and deeper. The hands around me grabbing at every part of my being.

I became frantic as I tried to back track my tattoo showing more.


I spun instantly Morgan's voice seeming like it was in my ear.

I held my tattoo up the purpled light cascading around a creature.

My whole body shook with horror as I came face to face with something that wasn't my son.

His body had twisting purple flames surrounding him a dragon head of Grima replacing his face as he gave a dark chuckle and with a bone shattering roar he reveled

"You can never escape me Robin."

I felt like my whole body was being ripped to pieces Grima's voice echoing in every corner of my mind.

I looked up only to see my father's face the man sneering at me in disgust. "You're pregnant. I raised you better than to taint your body and what's worse you married that legendry hero with tainted blood. "

I felt my gut drop as I tried to crawl away from my father.

"But I must admit a child born of the beauty that is Grima and a legendary hero. With tainted blood and bears the mark of a Laguz and Beorc half breed...."

He had a sick grin on his face as I felt him step on my head. I groaned in pain and glared up at the man who had a devilish smile.

"At least one good thing will come from your pregnancy. I'll had an even more powerful offspring for Grima."

He sent a swift kick to my stomach as I felt my body falling then the sensation of it being thrown to the ground.

I screamed as I felt something sharp bite into my ankle. The bite was followed by more each one tearing into my skin and breaking my blood vessels. My skin was on fire as dogs tore into me. Teeth tore into me leaving strangled tendons and tissue on the floor. I was screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Robin." I couldn't almost hear the faint sound.



I screamed more as I felt one of the wolves bite my throat. I felt my lungs fill up with sticky hot blood. I heard my screams curdle and die.

I started awake. I felt my lungs still on fire.

I squirmed as I checked my body for bites the pain ghosting over my skin still. Ignoring my husband I started to hyperventilate. His words just becoming ringing in my ears.

I need to run.

I felt my physical body hit the ground as my breathing became frantic. I scrambled on the floor my hand reaching for anything to defend myself. A tome, dagger. Anything. My eyes wide open as I saw my pale hands grasping the carpet in my tent. Tears streamed down my face as I felt like screaming. My head pounding.

"Robin!" I kept my focus on the floor as I curled up in a ball my brain burning as I felt my husband's hand around my body.

It was a dream.

My lungs felt like they were full of water as I clung to Priam the man just holding me. He let me be the gentle giant occasionally running his hands through my hair or humming to me as I calmed down.

I let out a few body racking coughs as I felt like I was going to be sick.

My eyes roamed to the cursed tattoo on my hand. I watched to scratch it off. I permanently sever my connection to that loathsome dragon. But no matter how much I scratched the mark still stayed.

I felt sobs rack my whole body as I buried my head into my husband's chest one hand around his neck and the other hand around my unborn child.

He hugged me back the man very patient.

"You are safe now, Robin. You are surrounded by people who adored you. As long as I breathe I will not let a single person harm you." I relaxed a little and looked at my husband I put my head right below his chin the man happily keeping me together as I shook.

We stayed that way through the night and while Priam snoozed I didn't dare close my eyes again.

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