Chapter 6: Sway with me

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It's been a long week.

I stretched my arms over my head as I tried to relax into a comfy hay bail and watched my comrades. We had just got done with a very intense invasion and the soldiers were celebrating. Even though the enemy nearly got the better of us a few times. Not to mention we lost a majority of our foot men.

I watched as my best friend Olivia danced gracefully, her movements fluidly gracing everyone. Even with her small baby bump she was more graceful than I. To my amusement Gaius was trying to copy the small girl, the poor ginger haired thief failing poorly. I saw Henry cheer on his small pink haired wife the man covered in crows and what I hoped was red wine. Him, Panne and Gregor all watching the festivities as Gregor had his arm around the bunny woman who seemed more than content with having her husband with her.

Sully was seen dragging and apparently leading a dance with Kellam the man accepting his fate but seeming to enjoy that she was happy. Nowi could be seen dead in the thick of the festivities as she changed from dragon to small girl in her drunken state.

Minerva and Cherche could be seen flying in the skies Minerva blowing fire into the sky. I watched as Minerva and Cherache landed Gaius happily ran over to the pink haired dragon tamer and gave her a huge kiss.

Libra, Stahl, Lon'qu, Ricken, Vike, Virion, and Donnel were all participating in an arm wrestling match Libra being the one to determine who won and making sure everything was fair. Cordelia stole glances at Libra as he smiled back at her occasionally the two easing into conversation after a while. Anna could be seen flirting with Virion. She had been on him ever since she found out he was a big shot duke.

Miriel had trapped some young soldier into a debate while Fredrick joined, the two seasoned fighters getting heated on the topic while the poor soldier was unsure of what to do.

I then saw Lissa and Maribelle both girls laughing and enjoying themselves.

I watched as I saw Sthal drink a shot of alcohol, everyone around the table cheering him on. The knight then went up to Mariblle. He exchanged words with her leading the small girl to blush as he led her to a dance.

Lissa was smiling and rooting the two on. To my surprise, and the rest of the group, I saw Lon'qu then approach Lissa the two easing into a conversation.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I suddenly scanned the crowd for Tharja hoping that I could get sights on her but to my dismay I couldn't find her.

Well there goes any hope of sleep tonight.

I looked over at Sumia who was happily dancing with Chrom the two completely oblivious to anyone else.

To be honest it had been a really long week for me. My muscles ached and my brain was slow from the lack of sleep. I felt like a wringed out rag. I also had to postpone the training with Priam and barely got any sleep at night nowadays.

The battle plans for the invasion had been compromised so I had to come up with new ones on the spot much to my horror. They were sloppy and half thought out and because of that we had lost a lot of good men and women over a hundred foot soldiers. I felt a huge weight on my chest as I thought about what I could have done to avoid the loss of life.

I should have done better.

I threw my hood up as I sighed and tucked my knees into me resting my chin on them. I just wanted to disappear for another three days to sulk. Chrom had dragged me out of my tent while I was in the middle of hand writing letters to the fallen solders families since I had felt so responsible.

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