Chapter 8: Tension

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"For all its hardened wood and metal, a sword is a delicate thing!" I smiled as I took a huge gulp of water from a huge bottle I always carried with me. It was kind of entertaining seeing the swordsman so riled up so late at night.

"Any sword is an elegant blade! A spear tip hewn to a razor point! They're strong enough to take a life, but exquisitely fragile at the same time. A warrior's life extends no further than that of the weapon he wields. Fail to perform maintenance, and it may well cost you...EVERYTHING!"

Priam's face was so expressive while he ranted. It was kind of funny that I got the most expression out of him when he was talking about old armor and swords.

"Ideally, a weapon should never be handled save by the one who wields it. I mean only that creating and tending to a weapon aids in growing accustomed to it. To claim as one's own a weapon made and honed by another is folly!"

"Are you suggesting the whole camp should learn smithing? Doesn't it seem a bit much?" I stated. As I sat and took a breather. He gave me a thoughtful moment and answered blatantly.

"It is only an ideal. I would never presume to force my methods on anyone else. But a man must have a code, and this is mine!"

I chuckled as he continued to rant about the duties of a swordsman.

"As you know Legends from the far north say that blades handed with love ultimately gain souls. They cease to be mere objects and become something tremendous. Miraculous, even! Once imbued with a soul, a weapon's bond to its wielder can transcend into a new planes of existence which surpass the boundaries of wielder and weapon. With this knowledge we are able to explore the depth of how to truly understand and exhibit sword play."

I smiled as I saw him go on. It was very rare that I saw this side of Priam and it was always when we were alone. Sully had just gone to bed when I had asked about sword care. He was usually so quiet and was a man of few words but I knew he was extremely passionate about battle and I enjoyed hearing his rants. It was amazing to see his passion for something. I watched as his whole body was engaged into this argument and how his eyes shown. This was the side of him that I loved the most. Where he was just comfortable being himself.

" ...I have been talking your ears blue, haven't I?" I started as I stopped day dreaming. I saw the huge warrior give me a smile as he chuckled nervously.

"My Apologies. When I speak on matters of combat, I tend to lose track of time." I smiled as he chuckled and gestured to me as he confessed. "Honestly, I think hanging around you people is starting to influence me! I just hope it's for the better. I'd hate to think I was getting soft." I smiled at the genuine expression on his face.

"Oh, I don't think you need to worry. You're as tough—and tough on yourself—as ever. I guarantee it." I tiredly added a teasing tone in my voice.

I saw him raise an eyebrow as he came close to me and smiling he praised. "A guarantee from you is a serious thing indeed. But I know for a fact that you are just as hard on yourself."

I shrugged in agreement and was really tempted to tease him further but decided against it. "I do feel you've grown a" I felt warmth spread in my chest at the thought of his kindness throughout camp.

I saw him sit next to me his sword in between the two of us. "Even gentler, perhaps. But it's not a bad thing. In fact, it's helped our army. For example, passing along your wisdom to me and the other knights was an act born of kindness, no?" I asked.

I smiled as I saw him mull it over the warrior smiling a little as he nodded.

"Well, I suppose I did want to feel I was doing all I could to help everyone..." I saw him open his mouth as if he wanted to add something but thought against it the grown man glancing at me and shutting his mouth. I shrugged and continued.

"It makes me all the more eager to learn how I might follow in your footsteps. Master Priam." I teased. I watched as his nose scrunched up in distaste.

"Stop calling me master!" He paused as he smiled and declared. "Fine then I'll continue to teach you everything I know." 

I watched as he got up and held his hand out to me. "If you think you can handle it that is?" He challenged. A fire lit in his eyes. I smiled and grabbed his huge rough hand.

The two of us paused, as I made eye contact with him. I felt a fluttering in my stomach as Priam gently rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. A strong blush covered my face.

He pulled me up the two of us incredibly close now. I could feel his heart beat through his chest. The smell of his clean aftershave and the smell of pine enveloping me. I swallowed nervously. I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes as he stared into mine as well. The man was now holding both my hands in his huge palms.

"Of course." I whispered gently my face mere inches form his.

His eyes focused on something on my neck I looked down and realized that the butterfly necklace was in plain sight instead of tucked under my shirt. I had worn it since that day and it had become a sort of lucky charm to me. I looked back up at Priam. His face displayed slight shock and a gentle happiness to it that I had rarely ever seen. He lightly touched the pendant.

I saw a flash of something in his eyes that drastically changed, he moved quickly. He stepped away and nervously chuckled breaking our hands away roughly. I composed myself and tried to clear the atmosphere as I smiled and challenged back.

"That is if you can handle my stubbornness."

The two of us locked eyes as we both awkwardly attempted to smile and not make this awkward.

"Challenge accepted, and trust me it's not your stubbornness we are going to have to worry about." He finished. I watched as he grabbed his Ragnell and stalked off towards his tent.

I blushed as I could still feel his warm hand on mine and the way his heart was pounding.


Indienote: WHAT IS THIS TWO UPDATES AT ONCE!? Well this was a short one so it technically doesn't count. Also just a heads up my next chapter is my Valentine's Day chapter! Also it's beautifully awkward as all get out. Just a heads up though my next chapter is rated PG-13, nothing happens it's just....well you'll see. 

Goodnight everyone and don't forget to vote and leave a comment if you want me to continue this story please!

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