1.|The Beginning

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Second Person POV

The sun. It is everything that the world needs.

The sun, provides, warmth, energy, humanity, and happiness. We all have someone in your life that is like that, they make you happy, they make you wanna live forever, because they are there, they give you hope, they are the light to the dark, where all the bad and evil hides, that is why you love the sun, because you'll feel protected.

There were many people who are like this, in fact millions. But you were the unlucky one in the 7 billion people.

You were born with darkness. It always surrounded you. You never felt happiness, nor the amazing feeling of a sunshine.

Of course you felt the sun, but not a human being that is a sunshine.

Your parents are divorced. You have an older brother that lives with your father and his wife, while you lived with your mom, who was slowly dying from cancer.. but since she is, you had no choice but to move in with your father.

You always pushed people away from you. It was a natural human instinct. Pushing people away so, you could be alone.

That was your life. Yes you know how to love people, but only your family members. People who aren't blood related, you don't even speak about.

"Yuejia, wake up." Slowly opening you eyes, you saw MingHua, your brother. He smiled brightly as you closed your eyes again. "Go away.. I'm tired gege."

"Zhen Yuejia. I'm not asking. I'm demanding."

"Zhen Minghua. I'm not either." With that last words you said, your blanket flew off, and the cold air hits your skin.

"Gege! What's with you today?!" You yelled, grabbing the blanket from his hands. "Yuejia! Get your ass up! Were going shopping, and to visit mom!"

From the words 'shopping', it got you hyped, but visiting mom, it made you excited and happy.

Yes. Happy, like I said, you know how to be happy, you just get it often.

Minghua chuckled as he saw how happy you got, it was a satisfying sight to see, especially when it's his own baby sister.

You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, as you leaned your head against his chest. Your brother embraced you back, resting his chin on top of your head.

"Gege.. is papa coming with us this time?" You felt him shake his head against yours. "Meiyou.." He answered with guilty and pity.

He knew you wanted your father to come see your mom just one time.. as a family again. Your parents aren't enemies, there still friends. It's just marriage didn't work out for them.

"Mei mei, get ready. I'll get breakfast ready." He said, giving you a kiss on your head, then leaving your room.

Once you finished getting ready and ate with Minghua, the two of you drove to the mall to buy some stuff.

You loved your brother, he wasn't like any other brother, he didn't care if he had to follow you to the women's section, because he would.

He protected you like you were a delicate flower.

"Gege, this shirt is nice." You said, holding it up to see if it would look good on him. "It's nice."

You both decided to get your mom something, so you two headed to get your mom some new clothes.

"Yuejia watch out!" Your brother called out, but it was too late.

"Ah! A-I'm so sorry." You said then grabbing your bags. Looking up you saw a guy looking back at you. He had a soft innocent face, you were lost in his eyes.

But quickly snapping out of them, you quickly picked up your things and left with your brother, he bowed apologizing for you, but that guy who you bumped in who standing there in confusion.


"Mama~!" You sang running to her arms, as we caressed you head, and kissed it. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. Minghua, you've been taking care of your baby sister well." Your mama praised. Minghua smiled as he hugged mama and kissed her cheek.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing better, the doctor said I'm making progress." You and your brother smiled warmly. "Oh, mama! Me and gege got you some new clothes, we thought you would appreciate it." You said. Mama nodded as looked through them.

"There lovely. Thank you Yuejia, Minghua."

Slowly the sun went down, as the moon slowly went up. You and MInghua had a nice time with mama, she also enjoyed her kids presences.

"You kids should go home. It's getting late."

You nodded as your eyes began to tear up. You didn't want to leave her, never.

Biding your goodbyes to your mom, she waved gently and laid down. You felt at ease that she's getting help and she's safe here.

You just hoped she would get better..

Because you were afraid lose her...






Hello Jennings!!!

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Yes! This book with be about Chen Linong, and I am also writing one about Cai Xukun, so please support both books if you enjoy watching Idol Producer, or you just enjoy reading.

Here are some of the words that you may or may not know.

Thank you!!



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