9.| Flustered

753 35 19

Linong's POV

"Fucking bitch..."

"When you don't die from a drug overdose. I will destroy you myself."

"Chen Linong, I swear if you die on me, I will never forgive myself."

These words. I kept hearing over and over. My head was spinning, I felt like puking.. ugh... What happened last night?

"Hm?" I heard. Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a different surrounding. A place where I've never seen.. I think it's a basement.

Feeling pressure on my right shoulder, I looked to my right and saw Yuejia resting upon it. Her hair was effortless fallen, cover some of her face.

She looked so pure and innocent, another side of Yuejia I have never seen. Gently I moved some hair away from her face to get a more clear look of her.

She was stunning, absolutely beautiful. She has soft pink lips, white cheeks, and long think lashes. I was speechless just looking at her.

"Hmmm?" Slowly I saw her open her eyes. Blinking away, adjusting to the light.

"L-Lingnong!? Your alive!" She exclaimed with surprise. I moved back a bit.

"Yeah.. why wouldn't I be.?" She rolled her eyes.

"You snort 2 fucking lines of cocaine, had a damn seizure, after than you had a bloody nose, and to top everything off. You started to sweat and puke. So.. yeah a perfect why to spend my Thursday night." She answered. I held my head and smiled a bit.

"And you took care of me the whole time?"

Yuejia blushed a bit and crossed her arms. "Yes. As a matter of fact. I did." I smiled even brighter and wider.

She took care of me. I feel special.

"Did anything between us happen?" I asked. Her eyes widen, now blushing even harder than before, along with her pushing me away.

She's so flustered now. It's actually cute.

"Hell. To the fucking no." She groaned, making me slightly disappointed, but hey. She look care of me.

"Hey just so you don't freak out. Your in my basement and we have 2 hours before school starts, get washed up. You look terrible."

I nodded as I got up and went into her washroom.

After I was all done. I walked out to see Yuejia in her uniform already, with 2 sandwiches in her hand. She gasped slightly seeing I was shirtless.

Her white cheeks began to show a pink..

"L-Let's go now. M-My parents are up yet, and if they did they would wonder why your here. And I don't need that right now." She explained, I knew she was flustered from me, so quickly I grabbed my shirt and followed her upstairs and out the house.

The two of us were talking side by side with no one speaking. It made it kinda awkward, but not really.

"Linong... I want to ask you something." I bit my lip slightly, looking over to her with my hands in my pockets.

"Why did you do that last night?" I knew what she was talking about. The fact that I risked my life in a huge gang for her.

To be completely honest... I didn't know myself. I just wanted to help her, and I can't help myself from not knowing where she is, or what she's doing. I just want to always be there with her..

"I just had to... I can't let or see myself letting you do anything to harm yourself." I answered honestly. The expression Yuejia had on her face changed a bit, like she was surprised.

"I appreciate it. But please. For the 100th time. Stay as far away from me as possible-" She was about to finish her sentence when I cut her off.

"No!" I objected. "Now that I know what kinda of people they are. I will not leave you alone. In fact, I will stay even closer to you!"

"Your kidding right. You should do the exact opposite! Me being with those people would put you in danger! So! It would make sense for you to stay further away from me." She argued back before running across the streets where there are cars driving, and the pedestrian sign is red.

"ZHEN YUEJIA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!??" I yelled, while she just looked back and smirk.

"See! I never die.. only the people around me."

I sighed hard before bolting towards her, hearing all the cars honk and the breaks against the roads. But what was most surprising was Yuejia's face.

She was in shock, even scared. Her eyes showed terror and concern.

"Chen Linong?! What the fuck was that?! You could've died!!" She screamed at me while hitting my chest. But I stopped her by holding onto her wrist.

"But I didn't. Because I would do anything for you."






Hello Jennings!!!!



Thank you for reading!!



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